Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Social Media and Indian Democracy post 2013

Our political bosses as well as most of the old people were reluctant in getting friendly with new technology, often I use to hear “Orkut/Facebook/Smart Phones/Technology ne barbad kar diya hai new generation ko…crime rates badh rahe hai..blah blah blah…”


Ever wondered what happened suddenly that since 2013 onwards that every socially responsible person is making his page/account & trying to get connected with common people? From where it all had started? Was it repeated success of our PM Mr.Modi in State Legislature Elections (2013)  & Lok Sabha(2014) Election despite getting opposition from even people from his own old friends and party people or they have  accepted that social media what once was thought to be platform for youth for wasting their time now had become tool for elders to keep their views infront of them and ultimately to connect to youths. The country’s population with broad diversities and rich demographic dividend was finally penetrated foresightedness of PM and his his mastermind Strategist, Prashant Kishore, 37 year old Brilliant Bihari Chanakya(BBC) to a extent that today role of social media & cannot be ignored in India. And finally, with victory of Nitish Kumar, a dynamic leader of  Bihar, it has been confirmed repeatedly that the no matter whom so ever has been shown as 'King-Maker' by masses but in reality the real King Maker will be the person who has command of technology, reach to people and who manages abundance potential of social media in strategical way to show what people want. In Bihar also, it was all strategy and promotion and marketing via online platform by using  various Social Media and hitting social media addicted new-generation, most of whom today preferred to live in developed India and cares more about development, job creation, equality, fraternity rather than old ‘sickular-communal india ’.

A post takes few minutes to get viral with help of bunch of people whose work is only to keep the post highlighted by posting it in various active groups/pages, using tools to keep positive posts on first page of google(the greatest baba) and irony is that that most of the people inspite of getting education people believes what they see on news/post/google without using their own brain. They think their opinion and votes matters what is not the scenario. With Bihar Election BJP is busy in finding a reason for its defeat. Nitish has played cards and had taken the mastermind strategist, 37 year old Brilliant Bihari Chanakya from Buxar* with him who ultimately led to victory of Mahagathbandhan. 

With result of Bihar election, it made me to think about various so called secular people who are targeting our  Nationalist PM by saying that the intolerance had increased in country since the saffron party came in power but I doubt that on ground it’s the scene. Today when the year is on verge of ending, it’s easy for us to retrospect how things had gone in past.Opposition repeatedly targets PM who took pain in improving foreign relationship since day one of being as autocrat. Had he acted in autocratic way in real sense till date all the unbiased mainstream media houses who speaks mostly crap, would had been sealed, all the person who had returned their medals (without returning monetary cash given with them) would had been jailed for showing disrespect to nation and actors who are busy in taking cheap publicity would had been made to leave country and no doubt China’s Confucius prize would had been given to him  ;)

It was also a point to ponder that why a National Party who is ruling in Center become so intolerant during time when it needed support and vote from everyone that it led to attack on Churches (before Delhi State Elections) and Beef incidence along with Dadri Lynching, Killing of author occurred just before Bihar State Election Campaign started. Was BJP/NDA/RSS is fool by promoting these thing what may lead to loose them respect in eyes of people? Frankly speaking, I doesnot think that Modi is a fool by doing all this. Where all people when emergency were was imposed? When Sikhs were lynched? Crime is Crime, whether it is done by Minority or Majority and henceforth the biasness of media to show every news just to increase their TRP is not at all thing to be neglected. Where these responsible person had vanished when autocratic rule of one particular family/ neo nepotism had started and till date is continuing. The great leader from Afghanistan, Frontier Gandhi always opposed Two Nation Concept, neither respected Gandhiji was in favor but what happened suddenly that people who were speaking against that particular family started to get disappeared in mysterious way. I respect first PM for all development work he has done for India but had he wanted, had he compromised, had he agreed to given Priministrialship to Jinnah the country would had been secular in real sense. Religion and caste politics has been used by political bosses only for their profit and as soon our Countrymen will start accepting the fact and stop getting hurt in name of religion, the country will see a new golden phase of growth.

 Leaders/Opposition say Bihar Elections BJP lost because of RSS chief’s statement on Reservation policy, the most mishandled tool by our politicians. If this is a reason I feel shame to call Bihar my ancestral place. BJP was defeated long back in Bihar, when they sidelined the upper caste leaders and started making alliances on caste to have low hanging fruits.But victory of Nitish doesnot means that Mahagathbandhan got huge support. It should be noted that in BIHAR election NOTA votes were in  significant number and percentage( 9 lakh plus and 2.5%) which should be taken care by Election Commission seriously. The caste politics can only be played in few states of India and the result of Bihar election proved the fact again where the First Past The Post System led to victory of Mahagathbandhan, this happened once but i think with time if our respected leader will not stop playing caste politics cards then educated Indians will rather prefer for NOTA than to any party. This is time of Change. I am not a hardcore supporter of any political party, I believe that opposition had many good leader whom i personally respect few of them for their vision and Mr.Nitish Kumar himself is a dynamic person but had they really have guts to work for the people without thinking of getting opposition from sickular people why don’t they moot for casteless-reservation-free society where everyone has equal opportunity?  

Its indeed a tragedy of living in Sickular India is that a minority does anything/crime in any state & no one dares to report about the same on national media but you will get punished every second for getting birth in high caste and majority religion. Law and order is State subject but today situation in my country is such that even if an ISIS militant will get arrested then opposition will stand up and support the militant by saying that as he belonged to minority so he was arrested. There is no difference left in between  राष्ट्रवाद & आतंकवाद in my country and it seems that  inspite of giving healthy competition in Parliament, opposition they have started targeting ruling party for things what only malign image of Mother Nation on world forum. True, Modi has promised lot and still many promises are yet to be fulfilled but one has to understand that one need time to streamline everything. It doesnot mean that Modi has come to power and he will clean up every mess created in past sixty decades.

The nation is in building stage when demographic dividend is high and suppose that every political ‘national’ party will focus on utilization of the same for benefit of country/state. Burden of the same cant be handed only to them. Collectively every stake holder needs to act and play role ethically whether it is media, social media, politicians or citizen. There are many social evil what need attention of honorable politicians and for sake of development on ground, the blame-game should stop now and reluctant policies should be modified to give benefit to people who really need them. Though bitter, but all views are personal. My pen doesnot know to write for seeking political bosses or targeting person. Its my Country, my right to express what i feel and i am doing it. I have written voice  of heart which carve to see real development in India. IPeople may say that I am talking of Utopian Concept what is not possible in country like India but I Believe that if we will try improving ourself and will play our role ethically atleast we will give our future generation a better society to live.

वंदे माँ भारती!!
जय  हिन्द ! जय भारत !
* To inform reader, our BBC earlier was with Mr. Modi since 2013's Gujarat State Election and was in good book of Modi but as per few newspaper, Mr.Shah was not very fond of him and when Modi started assigning jobs to Kishore which normally shah would execute many bureaucrat and senior party men too didnot appreciate that he had become Modi's bridge to the world. 
I wonder why the BBC doesnot get noticed for his massive success in 2013 and 2014, respect for the gentlemen strategist and thanks to Nitish Kumar to recognize him. Mr.Prashant founded Indian People's Action Society, an election management consultancy firm.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Monsoon had started and in vicinity of one of the National University's Campus, Ram, an IPS officer was preparing to write for civils again, a guy who was passionate not for uniform but for authority. With onset of autumn he joined NPA, a place where Ram joined because of destiny of getting closer to Vaidehi, a girl residing in Bangalore whom he met via social networking site in midst of preparation. They both use to chat when officers had pre-dinner meeting or other cultural events where he use to sit in last row with two of his close buddies. Though after getting connected to her he had deleted his profile from fb but their friendship continued via gtalks which further got to skype and google hangouts. Ram was a guy who speaks less and had heart of person from village, who prefers to drink tea from roadside stalls than in coffee shops and gets happiness in the same, in short a guy attached to his roots, who respect every soul present in nature.

His interview was in second week of March, near to his birthday he was the second last candidate in board of Sirohi Madam forenoon's session as second last candidate. With days getting close for declaration of result, Ram had requested Vaidehi to analyze his horoscope who was well versed in ancient science. The planets were moving in favorable side and the position of sun was so strong and auspicious after his 28th bday that she become sure that Ram will be shine like a star and had assured Ram about the same. Aspirants use to know about tentative dates of result declaration and both of them were tensed and unable to sleep and talk till late nights where once when to lighten his mood Vaidehi asked that why he speaks so less he replied that see dear, we both are from opposite sex and are not brother and sister, so I speaks less to avoid any useless talks between us. That was perhaps the day Vaidehi really started to respect him as till date she met very few civil servant with such an amazing ethics and morality. Ram was a person who knew the line of limit of friend and Vaidehi was proud to have a gem like him and once random thought came in her mind to have person like Ram as life partner. Finally, the D-day came she was overjoyed by seeing his name in top 15. Her happiness couldnot be explained in words and after getting into conscious she called him to inform the same. It was quite surprising for her to observe that the excitement she had in her voice for success of Ram couldnot been seen in his voice. She was unable to guess was this common for him not to express his emotions or whether he had mastered his emotions?

Months passed and both of them were engaged in doing silly things like searching profiles of all people who stood in rank before him and had seen whether they are from same state or not…It seemed there was only one-two girl before him who belong to same state and he was tensed for his cadre allocation as for general internal vacancies never exceeds two only for that state. With time Ram had gone busy with various attachments and had told Vaidehi regarding his busy life because of which he became unable to get in touch and stated “Please do not think that I changed with result/rank, if there is any change in me after result I am sorry for that”. Vaidehi could completely understand the status of Ram who was a simple person and now suddenly had came into lame-light, where his presence had made negligible impact on anyone’s life now everyone was trying to use him name and trying friend with him to such extent where he himself had started feeling that he doesnot want to go to his fb profile now which seemed to be like of some stranger. The relationship between them was of close friend who share every small issue and in midst of every small conversation perhaps a new and unavoidable relationship and feeling was getting germinated what couldn’t be ascertained by any of them.

Officers were going to greyhounds and Ram had choosen to be on an extraordinary holiday before joining lbsnaa, where sometime now they again get time to chat. Ram felt that Vaidehi had feeling for someone what she is not speaking up and had asked her to tell if she needs any help. Vaidehi was thinking of clearing exam first, getting par and then let him know about these things but alas, she couldnot made to exam and the failure devastated her, not because she couldnot get the blue beaconed car but because of fear of losing Ram and, the fear of cannot telling him about her feeling was hurting me more than anything. After all, she left her job and had came to delhi just to get Ram but the fear what was in her mind can now be seen in Ram’s talk. Ram after joining academy had become Krishna and finally had felt in love with someone from academy. Now, the content of their talk changed where he use to ask interpretation of action/words of lady officer. A budding poet was budding both inside Ram and Vaidehi and they use to share their writings from time to time ...what vaidehi wrote was for Ram and what Ram wrote was for that lady officer who was about to get married to some other guy she loved soon.It was perhaps because of his new content of talk where impatiently once vaidehi acknowledged her likening and got an expected reply-‘Thanks for liking and I would love to be your friend for life’. 
Perhaps she also knows that his reply would be the same, but man accepts truth only after hearing from own’s ears. In midst of indirect rejection Vaidehi and engaged and had kept negligible touch with Ram. In mean time, cadre allocation came and he got cadre of his 2nd choice. Aspirants use to fill pages on social reforms but after clearing civils most of them get themselves settled into family of big fries, some get married to change cadres and a negligible amount of people do what is ethically correct.

                         “If I am really a part of your dream, I’ll come back one day”

Destiny plays games and after ten months of this incident, Vaidehi got to know that her father had gone to his father for matrimony alliance via their family astrologer, a renowned astrologer who had rendered his service for Nepal’s Royal family in past. According to The Brahmin two horoscope matches a lot with Ram and there are strong chances that if they becomes life partner they shall give birth to special child as the weak graha of one is conterfilled by other. She started dreaming again and started getting hallucinations, she never accepted second person in her life and kept waiting for him. Again the contact was re-established and they started talking again till one day Vaidehi got to know via her father that his marriage is nearly finalized with a girl from another cadre for what he was searching and they may get engaged soon. Till now, Vaidehi also had got to now that image of Ram was bit absurd type in academy, where it was clear to his batchmate that a person like Ram just tries to show himself as Saint, either his father will sell him for dowy or he will do CBM (Cadre Based Marraige). With introduction of Ethics and Morality based question the ethics and morality of officers somewhere got compromised where making relationships for profit was common. Many stories related to it are being told everyday with sip of tea but when it comes to a person the person cant accept it.The batch was in Singapore for some training but who can control emotions of a lady when her soul gets on fire. I doubt even Brahma have that ability.

“Had you cleared, things would had been different”
Vaidehi was shaken from inside by hearing these lines. It was something she never had expected to hear from her Ram. With family talking to each other in regular interval for matrimonial alliance and their old friendship had grown to level ahead ,she started dreaming of her future life with Ram as her better half, where her morning shall start with a glance and warmth of Ram and ends with good night hug.
The line had such devastating experience that it seemed someone had rubbed bucketful of salt on her burnt soul. She requested him to take decision wisely as it was not only their friendship but something more than that. Nothing worked and she became silent with single line that a marriage is not end of life, it it fails I shall marry again.

The incidence of past start revolving around her eyes and she felt cheated, cheated by destiny, cheated by universe where the entire universe has perhaps conspired against her. She was wondering spending time together with sip of tea and walking for long in crowded streets of Mecca & Medina of civils preparation,travelling to delhi again and again to just spend few hours to share few glasses and words, were they useless...were they girls are really an emotional fool who cant judge who is right or wrong for their life...the warmth of hugs, the unusual conversations, was that all false?

Does clearing services become single criteria for becoming’s life partner of the person you love or people after getting into civils become  mechanically baptized to a level that they make every single relation for their profit. What was purpose of such a wasteful life where a lady who lived a non compromising life may have to do compromise in this stage what is supposed to be the most important part of human's life?

She had option of keeping the friendship only but it was better to move forward, to a world where only professional life which will be completely devoid of emotions, sentiments and love and where only success,money and recognization matters. This incident created a hatred inside her for the service. It was August and exam of the prestigious civil services arrived,the same exam what she now hated from core of her heart but inspite of sitting for exams purposely she chooses to fly out to of city to hills where perhaps she may take a final decision. There was no purpose for her to give the exam now.After a month she accepted to Ram "its true that the memories what where created can’t be not deleted nor it can be rewind but It will be better for both of us to move forward. Thanx for everything". Henceforth,with mutual consent perhaps they decided to move forward in their respective personal life knowing the bitter truth that sometime still they may have to work together because of professional life.

Ram has become infidel Krishna and decided to move on in life with one of her female batchmate, the real Vaidehi,daughter of Videh  somewhere had bcum emotionally numb in midst of all this  and had moved on in quest of  ticking all of her materialistic dreams.

Do you want to meet her, go someday to city, perhaps you may find her roaming alone, sitting alone in some coffee shop/ in some other food outlet or in some park enjoying the solitudeness...the silence and the perhaps still waiting with hope left inside that opposite table shall be taken by her  Ram soon....                


During my stay in various part of country's capital i came across a number of stories like one have penned down.Among all i found 3-4 stories to be quite different and finally decided to give name to above mentioned story. I feel thankful to person(s) from both sex who shared their life with what made me to fill real emotion in story.

I cant console any one,neither want to console,just feel bad for them..dont want to console them, just wanted to say that:

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Through my journey of  life I came across a lot of people, maximum of them were not happy with the ongoing life and very few accept that they are there because they have not come out of their comfort zone to get what they have dreamt.

I would like to give a rational view on what one lady quoted me: ‘तेरा तो सही है यार , मेरी न किस्मत ही साथ नहीं देती है
My reply: Sis, don’t blame luck for anything. We are living in a coccon. Life provides opportunity to everyone, at each and every step we take some decision which further helps us to groom ourself. If you don’t have guts to take decision, to break the coccon then it’s not god who is not helping you….it’s not’s you who don’t want to come out of your misery. Even if you will have a platter full of delicious food you have to take pain to eat this….if you can’t eat the food from the plate….it’s not god or luck…it’s you who who is afraid of hard work.

One more of my friend quoted: "yaar, i wanted to do something, something big but business is not my cup of tea."

I replied him: Of course dear, business can't be cup of tea for everyone, as if everyone will achieve financial freedom and then who will take Personal Loan, Home Loan and Car Loan and how banks will survive..Loans and EMIs should also be cup of tea for people...isn't ?

Here i was unable to understand that do people really think that God someday will come to them and will end their miseries in one day? specially at time when your mind is still of 6 month old baby where you wanted to be spoon feeded or like a bonded labour who want to work for a corporate office for 16-18 hour for fixed salary? 

I quoted these conversation purposely.Tell me what is luck and how do you think that luck favored you or not? As far I know? Luck favors those who are brave, who dare to take decision , who can fight for their life. To make it more clear, let me give you people a simple example: Suppose, If you are only following astrological remedies and not doing relevant action from your end do you think that god will come and do necessary action to change your destiny. God has become too old, please take some responsibility for yourself and don’t blame god for anything.

 What i can understand in my journey is the fact that everyone want to grow, to become big, to fulfill all dreams to their loved one but the lack few thing in their personality what pulls them back. I would like to write on few thing what differentiate between successful from crowd:

1. Make your weakness your Strength: I have read this several time, from school day till date I am penning it down but I accepted this fact in real when I saw a Ted Talk Islamabad sent by my business partner. The video was of a lady who met with a serious accident with more than 100 fractures all over her body and after the accident the beautiful lady has to take help of a wheel chair to carry her. Her attitude was so positive and the way in which she spent was quite impressing. I have shared this video on my FB page: 

2. Belief system:  We, the common people have a problem. We show unshakable faith on almighty, by that faith and belief we worship stones and even get results...but why not the same kind of faith in our-self...our own action..our own words?
No doubt God is everywhere, but dear friend accept it that god is first in you and have faith in yourself. Its hard to practice the kind of faith and belief you have on THY on Yourself and it really requires a damn hard practice with right persons what you can never ever find easily but once you mastered this take my words…Your life is shorted.

We are living in 21st century and here it has been scientifically proved that our words, our thought process are so much powerful that they can change your life. if YOU by YOUR Though has made yourself a poor calf then how can you expect to help you in becoming the Lion- King of Jungle?
Train your mind, don’t every CRIB and make your weakness your strength. It’s tough in starting but with rigorous practice in right direction in  2-3 month you will achieve that mental level.

3. Sense of urgency:  Tell me friends; “Do you know that tomorrow you are gonna see the SUN again? If yes, how much % you are sure for this?”
I understood this sense of urgency in real sense when I was talking to one of my business partner. She met one of her relative/family friend and they were planning of doing something very big. After  long enthusiastic discussion they departed early morning (3am approx) and were about to catch up at 11 am next day to start with a bang. At 10 am my business partner got a call from her husband who asked her to head towards home of that relative and tell her that she is no more. I was shocked to hear this and that was the day I personally decided that Man!! I am not gonna waste a single second of mine until and unless I will not achieve my dreams and I really express my sincere gratitude for almighty to gift me each and every second and to give me a beautiful and purposeful life.

4. The Right Mindset: I work for more than 18 hours a day. I know that by working like and average person i.e 8-10 hours in office will not give me a life what I dream when I was a kid. Some people talk of balanced life…I was also of same view till date I was sitting in Dubai with my snr. Business partner and he quoted “Look, there can be a successful life or a balanced life. Choose what you want” and that was time I felt myself completely shorted. Working for 8 hours only and then spending rest of time in watching idiot box….n doing non-constructive work is not my cup of tea and I seriously don’t take that part to be counted for balanced life.
 I work with people having same kind of passion and ignition within them. I don’t care what their education is, but if I find someone with same energy I know I can train them and can work with them. I will here share one story from my own life. Often I get to hear this line from my friends of real life – “Your energy level is too high…I am unable to match it”
I appreciate the fellow as he accepted the fact but somewhere inside i was thinking that is my fault or yours? I choose to come out of my coccon. I choose to stop crying on situations. I chose to stop giving excuse and I choose to convert every situation into opportunity and to make profit from the same and when I have reached to a level when I am capable enough to fulfill dreams of my family and loved one of course my energy will be at top. I damn not like person who are just EXISTING on earth. I work with person with mindset as mine…and I am here to break barriers...and if YOU too want to do something in your life follow the Right Path. 

and this is the Fire of Passion...Desire and Dream...

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Women's day - 8th March

I am a women and I am proud to be one..i know except on women's day , hardly any one bothers about me..People do workship goddess but if a crime happens I am one who get blamed. if promotion has to be given, i am who faces the Glass sealing effect. The patriarchial society looks me as a object and then they link their prestige with what i am doing, what i am wearing and the time when i am returning to home and why i alwaz remains happy. 
If i write an article on controversial topic like rights of LGBT, flesh trade my family also start linking their prestige with the article but can anyone let me know that till when this will continue? I am living in 21st century and successful in my life, I like spending time with nature, enjoy bird tripping, nature escaping, travelling to unexplored places, spending leisure time with family and friends and honestly dont like anyone putting restriction on me.I want to be loved but with personal trust and personal space. Society is not gonna pay any of my bill so i stopped caring damn about the same. I like talking...i love discussions on topics of vide range but will never allow a person to take me granted for the same. I am not an object, I am The Power, The Shakti, I dont expect to become par with male because i am already above them..i am from the species who nutured a life of male for nine month...I am Women..
On women's day, if society pledges to build Value and Ethics and if stop linking their "Izzat" with my dress and freedom then only i wil feel that I am living in a free country...In a real developing country..

I am grateful to my school buddy Sweta to make me write something from heart on this issue. Thanx buddy.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

पलामू के सेवा निवृत हेडमास्टर

एक डॉक्टर के बेटी होने के नाते अक्सर भाँति- भाँति के लोगो से मिलने का अवसर मिलता रहता है, पर सन 2012 जून को पापा का एक्सिडेंट होने के कारण उनके साथ 10-15 दिन अस्पताल रहकर नक्सल-वाद प्रभावित इलाको  के आम लोगो से मिलने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ।  पापा को जिस रूम में एड्मिट किया था उसके बगल वाले कमरे  में  पलामू के एक वृद्ध (रिटायर्ड) हेडमास्टर, श्री नारायण पाण्डेय, अपनी पत्नी के इलाज़ हेतु ठहरे थे ।  एक वृद्ध को अकेले काम करते देख मुझे अच्छा नहीं लगता था और जितना हो सके  उतना उनके लिए करने की कोशिश करती जिसके फलस्वरूप उन्होने अपनी ज़िंदगी के कुछ अनुभूतियाँ मेरे साथ बांटी। उनमें  से 2 मैं सबके के साथ share करना चहुंगी।आगे जो भी लिख रही हूँ वो 3 साल पुरानी स्मृतियों को वैसे ही परोसने की कोशिश कर रही हूँ।

1. पहली कहानी नक्सलियो पर थी, जिसने मेरा नज़रिया उनके लिए बदला 

पाण्डेयजी : "मैं अपने पूरे जीवन में एक बहुत ईमानदार व निर्भीक शिक्षक था और सरकारी विद्यालय के प्रधायपक से सेवा निवृत हुआ  , हमारे समय हमे तब तक जवान समझा जाता था जब तक हमारे बच्चो को सजा देने के क्रम में बेत न टूट जाए...मैं जब इस नज़रिये से जवान था तब नक्सलियो ने बढ़ना शुरू किया था , उन्हे खीज़ थी सरकारी तंत्र से , और सरकारी तंत्र से इतने वर्षो तक नगण्य रहने पर ये खीज़ स्वाभाविक होती है । अपना छाप छोड़ने के लिए नक्सली भी हमेशा वर्दी -धारियों व सरकारी लोगो को निशाना बनाते थे और छुपने के लिए किसी गाँव में चले जाते थे जहां उनकी छवि "रोबिनहूड़" की थी ( कुछ लोग उनसे डरते थे व  कुछ मसीहा मानते थे )। एक बार मैं सुबह गाँव की पगडंडी पर साइकल से स्कूल की तरफ जा रहा था तो मुझे कुछ बंदूक धारी स्कूल के आसपास  दिखे,सबके चेहरे पर गमछा से ढका हुआ था।  मैंने बिना उनसे कुछ बात किए चुप चाप अपने कक्षा में गया और बच्चो से पूछा की आज क्या पढ़ना है विषय था रूस क्रांति  । इस बीच मैंने देखा की जो आदमी मुझे स्कूल के मुख्य द्वार पर घूर रहा था व जिसके हाव भाव मुझे उस समूह का  मुखिया बता रहे थे , वो मेरी कक्षा में आकार सबसे पीछे बैठ गया। उसके आने का मकसद मुझे नहीं बता था क्या पता उसे लग रहा हो की कहीं मैं बच्चो को भड़का न दूँ (क्यूंकी एक शिक्षक ने जब जब ललकारा है तभी विद्रोह हुआ है ) । मैंने ये भाँप लिया था की ये लोग नक्सली है और बच्चो डरे नहीं , उन्हे व्यस्त रखना जरूरी है , अन्य शिक्षक पढ़ाने से भयभीत थे पर प्रधायप्क होने के नाते मुझे अपनी ज़िम्मेदारी पता थी और बचपन से भी मुझे किसी बात का कभी भय नहीं रहता है, जीवन  ईश्वर की दी हुई है , जब तक जिंदा हूँ कर्म करूंगा , और वो भी नीतिगत । 
पढ़ाकर मैं अपने ऑफिस गया और शाम बच्चे और अन्य शिक्षक को घर भेजकर मैं स्वयं घर के लिए निकल गया। नक्सली कब निकले कह नहीं सकता। पर पलामू में ये नक्सली का मामला काफी तेज़ था, कुछ दिनो बाद  नक्सलियो ने कोई हरताल की थी और मेरे स्कूल जाने का रास्ता उनके हरताल के इलाके से होकर गुजरता था , मैं निर्भीक होकर अपनी कक्षा की तरफ बढ़ा की अचानक एक  नकाबपोश व्यक्ति ने मेरा रास्ता रोका , पास आकार मैंने ऐसा लगा की मैंने कहीं उसे देखा है , उसने झुककर पैर छूये और मुझे जाने का रास्ता दिया, मैं आश्चर्- चकित था , मेरी जिज्ञासा देखते हुए उसने बोला की आपको याद है आपके स्कूल में कुछ दिन पूर्व हमारे जैसे लोग आ गए थे , मैं वही हूँ जो आपकी कक्षा  में था,हम लोग किसी शरीफ और कर्मशील आदमी को तंग नहीं करते , आप तो हमारे जैसे गरीब के बच्चो को पढ़ा रहे है , आप निश्चित रहिए , आपको कभी कोई भी कुछ नहीं कहेगा। "
मेरा विचार : 
पाण्डेयजी  के इस कहानी से मुझे लगा की मुझे भी बिना डरे कर्म करते रहना चाहिए और अगर वो किसी के भलाई के लिए है तो मेरा कभी बुरा नहीं होगा। मैं सोचती हूँ की जहां से जो सीखने मिले सीख लूँ, हर इंसान के अंदर में अच्छाइयाँ है और मैं सिर्फ उसपर ध्यान दूँ, हलाकी मेरे काफी शुभचिंतकों को लगता है की इस तरफ का व्यवहार व सब पर विश्वास करना उचित नहीं है पर मुझे पता है की मेरे विचार इतने दृद है की कोई भी बुरी चीज़ मुझ तक नहीं आ सकती। पांडेजी से मिलकर उनके साथ कुछ दिन व्यतीत कर के मुझे लगा की अगर मैं इन गरीब लोगो के लिए कुछ करूँ तो शायद नक्सल जैसे कुछ और उत्पन्न न हो , अगर किसी को उसका हक़ बिना मांगे मिले तो वो अपनी ज़िंदगी क्यूँ दूसरों की जान लेने में लगाएगा । हाँ आज नक्सलियों के बारे में काफी कुछ गलत सुनने मिल रहा है और यहाँ तक लोग बोल रहे है की उनके पास हथियार पाकिस्तान व दूसरे मुल्को से आते है , वो वर्दी धारियों को मार रहे है ये देख कर मन क्षुभ्द हो जाता है , पर फिर भी मन में अब भी यही है की मैं वहाँ खुद जाकर वहाँ रहूँगी वहाँ काम करूंगी , हर चीज़ का समाधान है और उन्हे वो अवसर देकर उन्हे सपने देखने का मौका दूँगी,जिससे वो बंदूक न पकड़कर हाथ मिलकर काम करे। राजनेता व सत्ता धारी नक्सल को खत्म नहीं होने देंगे ये मुझे पता है पर मैं अंतिम शवास तक विस्वास रखूंगी। कैसे होगा वो प्रकुति निर्णय लेगी पर मुझे ये करना है और ये करके रहूँगी। 

2. दूसरी कहानी धर्म परिवर्तन पर है

 पाण्डेयजी अपने गाँव की ही कहानी बता रहे थे , उनके एक जानने वाले है मुझे स्पस्ट याद नहीं आ रहा है पर वो सज्जन नाम के अंत में 'ख़ान' लिखते थे और घर में ब्राह्मणो के संस्कार पालन करते है । पांडे जी के अनुसार इस बात का पता उन्हे तब चला जब उस सज्जन ने उन्हे अपने घर चाय के लिए बुलाया, एक ब्राह्मण का मुस्लिम के घर चाय पीने की बात ग्रामीण इलाके में उस समय सोचा बहुत हिम्मत वाली बात थी पर फिर भी पांडे जी वहाँ गए और ये देखकर उन्होने इसका कारण पूछा। उस सज्जन ने चाय के दौरान उन्हे बताया की जब  औरंगजेब के समय धर्म परिवर्तन जोरों पर था तो  जब तक 1 मन जनेऊ उसके सामने नहीं आ जाए  तब तक बादशाह कुछ खाता नहीं था। उस समय इनके पूर्वज ने नाम तो बदल लिया पर धर्म नहीं।
मेरा विचार :
पाठको को बता दूँ की जनेऊ का महत्व हमारे हिन्दू समाज में काफी अधिक है , क्यूँ है वो मुझे नहीं पता पर ब्राह्मणो व राजपूतो की जनेऊ औरों से अलग बनाई जाती थी और जनेऊ हटाने का मतलब धर्म परिवर्तन कर लिया। उस समय कोई राजपूत या ब्राह्मण जनेऊ हटाने का सोच भी नहीं सकता था । ये मुस्लिम नाम के हिन्दू सज्जन में दूरदर्शिता अपनाई और नाम के आगे ख़ान लगा लिया , मुल्ले के तरह दाड़ी रखने लगे , मतलब तन से मुस्लिम व मन से शुद्ध ब्राह्मण। पांडे जी ने उनसे पूछा  की अब आज़ादी के बाद नाम क्यूँ नहीं बदल लेते तो उनका जबाब था की नाम में क्या रखा है , हमारे लिए तो हिन्दू हो या मुस्लिम दोनों एक है । अब नाम बदलवाने व जमीन- जायदाद की रजिस्ट्री करवाने में समय क्यूँ बर्बाद करूँ। पांडे जी के बोलने से मुझे लगा की आज भी बिहार - झारखंड - उत्तर प्रदेश के काफी घर ऐसे है जहां ऐसे भी भाई रहते है जिनके मजहब अलग है पर अब भी अमन से जी रहे है । 
: मेरे मानने से वो मुस्लिम / हिन्दू सज्जन सही मायने में भारतीय थे , हिंदुस्तानी व एक सच्चे "सेकुलर" थे जो धर्म जाती मजहब से बहुत ऊपर उठ चुके थे , ऐसे लोग ही भारत को नई बुलंदियों पर ले जा सकते है  न की वो नेता जो मजहब के नाम पर दंगे करवाने व जाती के नाम पर ,आरक्षण के नाम पर लोगो को बाटने  में लगे रहते है । और धर्म परिवर्तन को मुद्दा बनाने की जरूरत मीडिया को नहीं थी , मीडिया आजकल सिर्फ TRP बढ़ाने के लिए कुछ भी छाप देती है और एक सकारात्मक  भूमिका के बजाये जायदा समय नकारात्मक भूमिका निभाने  में लगी हुई है। 

जय हिन्द! जय भारत !!

Monday, January 5, 2015

जनकसुता वैदेही

रविवार की सुबह ठंड और बढ़ गई थी , धूप की चाह में वैदेही घर के सामने पार्क में अखबार लेकर बैठी,सामने के  मंदिर की आरती / घंटी की आवाज़ स्पस्ट सुनाई दे रही थी। पर्व का मौसम हो तो लोगो की श्रद्धा पत्थरों पर बहुत जायदा उमर पड़ती है , कोई नए नए कश्मीरी शाल पत्थरों पर ओढ़ाता, कोई अखंड दीप जलाता.....तो कोई हलवा पूरी खिलता। वो भी इन घण्टियों के साथ पुराने समय को याद कर रही थी जब वो खुद को और समाज उसे आस्तिक मानता था , आज समाज उसे क्या मानता है पता नहीं......आस्तिक या नास्तिक, समय के चक्र में खो सी गई थी व्यसक वैदेही

ठाकुर परिवार में संस्कारी माँ बाप के द्वारा हुए लालन पालन होने के कारण बचपन से धर्म कार्यो में कुशल थी , बचपन से सिखाया गया था , की कोई भी दिक्कत हो आस्था और विश्वास के साथ भगवान से मांगो तो जरूर मिलेगा। बचपन में जो मांगती थी मिलता था , पर ऊपर वाले भगवान नहीं उसके माँ बाप.... नीचे वाले भगवान के कारण। तीसरी कक्षा( 6-7 साल) में थी तो पिताजी ने  श्री दुर्गा सप्तसती  का श्रीकुंजिकास्त्रोपढ़ना सिखाया....संस्कृत के स्लोकों को पढ़ने में वो अपने पिताजी  के पुजा के थाल से प्रसाद खाना बंद कर दिया और फिर धीरे धीरे रुचि लेकर उसमें और कहानिया पढ़ना शुरू किया , उम्र के साथ पढ़ने की रुचि बढ़ी और फिर रामायण महाभारत, गीता , बुद्ध चरित पढ़ा, तब भी जिज्ञासा शांत नहीं हुई तो कुरान , बाइबल भी पढ़ डाला। आठवी कक्षा आते-आते उसके ये सब धरम ग्रंथ पूरे हो गए थे व साथ में मन इस सच को मान चुका था की कोई भी पत्थर में भगवान नहीं होते ,पर ये यहाँ हमारे बनाए गए प्रपंच है। शनिवार को तेल अर्पित करो , मंगल को सिंदूर , शुक्र को गुड और न जाने क्या क्या ये सब का जनम तो ब्रहमनों के कारण हुआ था,की भगवान ने ये कभी किसी को बोला की तुम मुझे ये दे दो तो वो तुम्हारा काम कर दूंगा। 
जनक के समय की कथा पढ़ने से ये पता चलता है की काफी  ब्राह्मणों को ये  धर्म-कर्म क्षत्रियो ने सिखाया था( जैसे की वसिष्ठ पुत्र ने जनक से उनका शिष्य बनने की प्रथना की थी) , पर युद्ध व और कर्मो में लिप्त रहने के कारण राजपूतों ने ये कर्म ब्राह्मणो के होते चले गए, विदेह राज जनक स्वयम कर्म योगी थी , **विदेह थे , गीता का उपदेश देने वाले श्री कृष्ण यढुवंशी क्षत्रिय थे, और आज भी कितने राजपूत परिवार अपने धर्म - कर्म के संस्कार स्वयं करना पसंद करते है।   आज के दिन उसे रामायण पढ़ना सुनना अच्छा लगता है , गीता की बातें सत- प्रतिशत सत्य लगती है , परंतु मंदिर का औचित्य समाज से परे है। उम्र रफ्तार से आगे बढ़ रही थी पर वो कहीं खो सी गई थी , इस जिंदगी के उस दोराहे पर जहां बैचनी से मन उसका मन उद्दीग्न हो उठता था। मन में बार बार बुद्धम शरण्म गच्छामि और कदम खुद ब खुद सन्यास लेने की दिशा में उठ रहे थे। ये सन्यास वो नहीं था जो भगवा पहन कर , दुनिया से दूर होकर लोग लेते थे, ये वो सन्यास था जो लोग कर्मभूमि में रहते हुए लेते है। सब कुछ होते हुए भी दुनिया से विरक्त.....सिर्फ कर्म करने के लिए जीवित अन्यथा सारी इक्छाएँ समय के अग्निकुंड में स्वाहा...
शायद ईश्वर/प्रकृति भी अपने आराधना करवाने का ये एक नायाब तरीका खोज निकाला है.....जिनकी उसे पुजा लेनी होती है उसकी मनोकामनाएँ पूरी मत करो, सारी खुशियाँ छिन लो तो अंततः वो इंसान विरक्त होकर खुद में समय बितायेगा......पर वो ऊपर बैठा परमात्मा/प्रकृति यहाँ चूक गया....वैदेही की सारी इच्छाएँ मर चुकी थी पर वो आस्तिक बनने के बजाय कर्मयोगिनी  बनती जा रही थी....
उसके कानो में गीता के शलोक गुजने लगे : 

     कर्मण्ये वाधिकारस्ते म फलेषु कदाचना, कर्मफलेह्तुर भुरमातेसंगोस्त्वकर्मानी॥

वैदेही के पैरों में कुछ महसूस हुआ तो उसकी तंद्रा टूटी ,  नीचे देखा तो कुत्ते के 4-5 छोटे छोटे बच्चे उसके पास खेल रहे थे और एक पैर चाट रहा था, उसके ऊपर चढ़ने की कोशिश कर रहा था,.....अपनी चिंता व मन की उद्दीग्नता त्यागकर उसने खुले मन से उस बच्चे को उठाया और उससे बातें करके, उसके साथ खेलकर फिर से कहकहाने लगी...अपनी  चिंताओं को तिलांजलि दे कर कर्मभूमि के पथ पर जाने को  फिर से तैयार पर इस बार सिर्फ कर्म करने , फल की उम्मीद छोर कर...एक सच्चे कर्मयोगी की तरह......विदेह राज की पुत्री वैदेही की भांति....
 to be contd..

{** राजा जनक विदेह कहलाते हैं देह से परे जीने वाले विदेह। अनेक ऋषि-मुनियों ने उन्हें बड़ा सम्मान दिया हैं एवं उनका उल्लेख करते हुए निष्काम कर्म, निर्लिप्त जीवन जीने वाला बताया हैं। अगणित लोगों को उन्होने ज्ञान का शिक्षण दिया।एक गुरू ने अपने शिष्य को व्यावहारिक ज्ञान की दीक्षा हेतु राजा जनक के पास भेजा। शिष्य उलझन में था कि मैंने इतने सिद्ध गुरूओं के पास शिक्षण लिया। भोग-विलासों में रह रहा राजा मुझे क्या उपदेश देगा ! जनक ने शिष्य के रहने की बड़ी सुंदर व्यवस्था की। सुंदर सुकोमल बिस्तर, किंतु शयनकक्ष में पलंग के ठीक ऊपर एक नंगी तलवार पतले धागे से लटकती देखी, तो वह रात भर सो न सका। सोचता रहा कि गुरूदेव ने कहां फंसा दिया, जनक से शिकायत की ! कि नींद क्या आती-आपके सेवकों ने तलवार लगी छोड़ दी थी। इससे अच्छी नींद तो हमें हमारी कुटी में आती थी। जनक ने कहा-‘‘चलो आओ। रात की बात छोड़ो, भोजन कर लेते हैं। ‘‘सुस्वादु भोजनों का थाल सामने रखा गया। राजा बोले-‘‘आराम से भोजन करें, पर आप अपने गुरू का संदेश सुन लें। उन्होंने कहा हैं कि शिष्य को सत्संग में ज्ञान प्राप्त होना जरूरी हैं। यदि न हो तो उसे आप सूली पर चढ़ा दें। आपको बताना था, सो बता दिया। अब आप भोजन करें। ‘‘भोजन तो क्या करता, उसे सूली ही दिखाई दे रही थी। बेमन से थोड़ा खाकर उठ गया। बोला-‘‘महाराज ! अब आप किसी तरह प्राण बचा दें।‘‘ जनक बोले-‘‘आप सत्संग की चिंता न करें, वह तो हो चुका। रात आप सो न सके, किंतु मुझे तो नंगी तलवार की तरह हर पल मृत्यु का ही ध्यान बना रहता हैं। अतः मैं रास-रंग में डूबता नहीं। सूली की बात सुनकर तुम्हें स्वाद नहीं आया। इसी प्रकार मुझे भी इस शाश्वत संदेश का सदा स्मरण रहता है। मैं माया के आकर्षणों में कभी लिप्त नहीं होता। संसार में रहो अवश्य, पर संसार तुममे न रहे। यही सबसे बड़ा शिक्षण लेकर जाओ।’’ अब शिष्य को ज्ञान हुआ कि जनक विदेह क्यों कहलाते हैं}

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Religion- Conversion and Reconversion

If we will turn pages of history then we all may find the reason for formation of religion. Hinduism was not formed. It was way of living of people residing in  Indus Valley Civilization. Mughals, Afghans were unable to pronounce it as Indus and they started calling our country as Hindus or Hind.  When civilization was flourishing in Indus Valley, (which is still considered as oldest civilization), people form other places were struggling to live a life of dignity. The time when people were spending a nomadic life, people from Indus valley Civilization were discovering/inventing/creating wonders in Science, Technology, Medicine, astronomy and other field of relevance.

As per my understanding code of living were formed to civilize a particular group of people and that became religion with time. For example, respected   prophet Mohammed preached peace and love to people living in the areas of Mecca/Medina, Christianity had also started in same way; Guru Nanak Dev ji was disciple of saint Kabir, a follower of Bhakti moment, Jainism, Buddhism which is totally based on principles and path of righteousness. Many scholars still says that Nanak dev ji wanted to end this caste system and never had thought of starting a new religion and so was thought of Mahavir Jain and Buddha. They had given a code of conduct to their disciples, same kind of teaching what today also many religious gurus are giving. I have gone through literature of all of the above mentioned religion/movements and  have deep respect for those who tried to show a right path to human but I doubt that any preacher ever had asked their follower to start a new religion and increase complexity. 
History has witnessed that how political and so called religious bosses have waged war to spread their religion/way of living on others. From ancient days till date it seems that Religion/Astrology/Law and Politics has solution of everything and they had predicted thing in a way to maximize their interest. 
When invaders were invading Indus Valley Civilization then they started calling Indians as The Hinds and our country as Hindustan and even when uprising had occurred in this region for their independence the name Hindustan was symbol of patriotism. This name of Hindustan was not given by hindus{ still i am unable to understand why we are calling it as religion as it is only a way of living life in most scientific way} and saffron was considered as symbol of our country. At the time of 1857 revolt Lotus and chapatti was circulated with secret message and I thank almighty that at that time no secular leaders where there to preach Muslims that why you are circulating lotus, it is something to do with Hindus, they consider it pious. Had there being any secular leader at that time then 1857 would had been a big failure and may not have been noticed in history.
From pages of History it is clearly visible that Britishers and many Christian missionaries have done mass conversion and at that time also conversion was done by luring them to come out of vulnerability , not by rationalizing their thoughts. No religion in the world has favored forceful conversion but in absence of anti conversion law no one was there to stop mighty Mughals or Britishers or today ongoing conversion and reconversion process. Its true who so ever will be in power shall try to convert maximum in its own way of living so that he may not have to face any opposition. 

After Independence, architects of our constitution had given us world's best constitution with certain provision of practicing own religion under Article 25 which clearly state “Right of Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion”, but freedom of conscience and free practice and propagations of religion can never be misinterpreted as religion conversion or reconversion by luring people. No doubt this present ghar wapasi andolan has made every pseudo secular as well as real secular active but we need to analyse the reason why people go for conversion of religion, what is rationale behind this and what we can do to bring peace in this context else i fear that this movement may lead to formation of many small nations and persons like me will only try to enlighten fire of patriotism by writing on blogs and other e media. 

Religion conversion is done either with forceful conversion by terrorizing the people or by using means of fear. This has been used mostly by Islam, the great Mughal ruler Aurangzeb and the present day ISIS are some most recent example who had converted religion forcefully, and both of these above mentioned people/group thinks that they are solely responsible for the religion forgetting the point that people get attracted towards a particular belief not by means of fear and with fear one can never earn respect. I don’t think anyone reading this post support ISIS and if he/she does, please don’t read this article further because I write truth and not to please any group. I think that the holy Quran has been most widely misinterpreted by some radical leaders. The second reason is by luring people financially; way what Christian missionary has adopted during British Raj era and the third reason was because of prevalent caste system of our Indian society which had made the caste hierarchical. The caste system in beginning was not hierarchical and how it became is still a mystery to me, because of those people we are having third reason of conversion. Some person who were treated as ‘shudras’ later faced inhuman treatment by other class and to avoid this they either converted themselves to other religion. There are many hypothesis regarding dalits/shudras/harijans and I don’t want to dilute the essence of this topic by entering into details of Indian caste system but strongly raises my voice for making Indian system a castles society…a religion less society where people have a particular code of conduct to live their life in scientific way and not with irrationality.  The fourth reason what I feel is most important is lack of scientific education which is inculcated rationality in human being. No doubt many people learn a lot from nature and family but to deal with orthodox, radical and pseudo secular elements of the society. Had our forefathers being active in eliminating caste system and inculcating scientific temper in society, religion had not been opium for masses.
Even after independence the conversion was going on but silently and reconversion was also done actively but media seems to become active in raising the issue of religion after our new PM has taken the power. Or sometime it seems to bring a law to prevent everyone Hindu activist are trying to highlite the issue so that no more conversion or reconversion may happen.
If today reconversion is happening forcefully it is not good, if you have to bring people back to their earlier religion bring them with education, rationality and equality not with luring them with offers of giving ration cards, and a caste of their choice. this further may increase complexitiy. if tomorrow they will adopt the a particular caste how many orthodox will  marry in their houses. i doubt because our society is still not a modern society and caste system is prevelant. without ending this caste system the reconverison movement will not be succesful and there is high chance that these people will return to their converted religion.
Most surprising thing is the stand taken by our pseudo secular party who unimously brought our PM as leader of saffron and had neglected entire history. Now for our pseudosecular leaders, the word Hindustan is also communal, and its communal because it has the word “Hindu” and I seriously would like to ask them that who was the person to make hindu a religion? It was only a way of living of people from Indus valley civilization. Those leaders should first accept that only power and money is their religion and to have this they may go to any extent. already in the name of religion indus valley civilization has been divided and dont forget earlier hindustan was divided only because of psedosecular leader whose religion is nothing but money and blood of poor people and now again pseudo seculars are rising.They will tie up with criminals, they will hug old enemies to encounter charm of a national leader and upper senate will write letter to other countries’ senate to stop him and all foolish thing. We are novice infront of these leaders, but dear sirs and madams we the youth don’t want to learn politics from you people. You don’t take stand, you don’t have spine and so you are loathing here and there on foolish things and raising the issue to interrupt development progress. Had you been really serious you had devoted your energy in your constituency and neighboring area to make them ideal constituency.

I am born as Hindu, but I am atheist, I use to listen Sanskrit chants, melodious recitation of shabads, ramchartimanas and bhagwat geeta because I like it and not to please any god. I listen to them because I can feel the difference of these chants on myself. I don’t offer a single penny in temples, nor in mazars nor in churches nor in gurudwaras but I spent lavishly on needy people. My religion is humanity and religious sentiments are personal and I want to see my countrymen to follow scientific temper and religion of rationality. I want them to develop that much of rationality that no politicians or pseudo secular elements shall effect peace of the my mighty Motherland
जय हिन्द ! जय भारत !!

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