Saturday, January 3, 2015

Religion- Conversion and Reconversion

If we will turn pages of history then we all may find the reason for formation of religion. Hinduism was not formed. It was way of living of people residing in  Indus Valley Civilization. Mughals, Afghans were unable to pronounce it as Indus and they started calling our country as Hindus or Hind.  When civilization was flourishing in Indus Valley, (which is still considered as oldest civilization), people form other places were struggling to live a life of dignity. The time when people were spending a nomadic life, people from Indus valley Civilization were discovering/inventing/creating wonders in Science, Technology, Medicine, astronomy and other field of relevance.

As per my understanding code of living were formed to civilize a particular group of people and that became religion with time. For example, respected   prophet Mohammed preached peace and love to people living in the areas of Mecca/Medina, Christianity had also started in same way; Guru Nanak Dev ji was disciple of saint Kabir, a follower of Bhakti moment, Jainism, Buddhism which is totally based on principles and path of righteousness. Many scholars still says that Nanak dev ji wanted to end this caste system and never had thought of starting a new religion and so was thought of Mahavir Jain and Buddha. They had given a code of conduct to their disciples, same kind of teaching what today also many religious gurus are giving. I have gone through literature of all of the above mentioned religion/movements and  have deep respect for those who tried to show a right path to human but I doubt that any preacher ever had asked their follower to start a new religion and increase complexity. 
History has witnessed that how political and so called religious bosses have waged war to spread their religion/way of living on others. From ancient days till date it seems that Religion/Astrology/Law and Politics has solution of everything and they had predicted thing in a way to maximize their interest. 
When invaders were invading Indus Valley Civilization then they started calling Indians as The Hinds and our country as Hindustan and even when uprising had occurred in this region for their independence the name Hindustan was symbol of patriotism. This name of Hindustan was not given by hindus{ still i am unable to understand why we are calling it as religion as it is only a way of living life in most scientific way} and saffron was considered as symbol of our country. At the time of 1857 revolt Lotus and chapatti was circulated with secret message and I thank almighty that at that time no secular leaders where there to preach Muslims that why you are circulating lotus, it is something to do with Hindus, they consider it pious. Had there being any secular leader at that time then 1857 would had been a big failure and may not have been noticed in history.
From pages of History it is clearly visible that Britishers and many Christian missionaries have done mass conversion and at that time also conversion was done by luring them to come out of vulnerability , not by rationalizing their thoughts. No religion in the world has favored forceful conversion but in absence of anti conversion law no one was there to stop mighty Mughals or Britishers or today ongoing conversion and reconversion process. Its true who so ever will be in power shall try to convert maximum in its own way of living so that he may not have to face any opposition. 

After Independence, architects of our constitution had given us world's best constitution with certain provision of practicing own religion under Article 25 which clearly state “Right of Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion”, but freedom of conscience and free practice and propagations of religion can never be misinterpreted as religion conversion or reconversion by luring people. No doubt this present ghar wapasi andolan has made every pseudo secular as well as real secular active but we need to analyse the reason why people go for conversion of religion, what is rationale behind this and what we can do to bring peace in this context else i fear that this movement may lead to formation of many small nations and persons like me will only try to enlighten fire of patriotism by writing on blogs and other e media. 

Religion conversion is done either with forceful conversion by terrorizing the people or by using means of fear. This has been used mostly by Islam, the great Mughal ruler Aurangzeb and the present day ISIS are some most recent example who had converted religion forcefully, and both of these above mentioned people/group thinks that they are solely responsible for the religion forgetting the point that people get attracted towards a particular belief not by means of fear and with fear one can never earn respect. I don’t think anyone reading this post support ISIS and if he/she does, please don’t read this article further because I write truth and not to please any group. I think that the holy Quran has been most widely misinterpreted by some radical leaders. The second reason is by luring people financially; way what Christian missionary has adopted during British Raj era and the third reason was because of prevalent caste system of our Indian society which had made the caste hierarchical. The caste system in beginning was not hierarchical and how it became is still a mystery to me, because of those people we are having third reason of conversion. Some person who were treated as ‘shudras’ later faced inhuman treatment by other class and to avoid this they either converted themselves to other religion. There are many hypothesis regarding dalits/shudras/harijans and I don’t want to dilute the essence of this topic by entering into details of Indian caste system but strongly raises my voice for making Indian system a castles society…a religion less society where people have a particular code of conduct to live their life in scientific way and not with irrationality.  The fourth reason what I feel is most important is lack of scientific education which is inculcated rationality in human being. No doubt many people learn a lot from nature and family but to deal with orthodox, radical and pseudo secular elements of the society. Had our forefathers being active in eliminating caste system and inculcating scientific temper in society, religion had not been opium for masses.
Even after independence the conversion was going on but silently and reconversion was also done actively but media seems to become active in raising the issue of religion after our new PM has taken the power. Or sometime it seems to bring a law to prevent everyone Hindu activist are trying to highlite the issue so that no more conversion or reconversion may happen.
If today reconversion is happening forcefully it is not good, if you have to bring people back to their earlier religion bring them with education, rationality and equality not with luring them with offers of giving ration cards, and a caste of their choice. this further may increase complexitiy. if tomorrow they will adopt the a particular caste how many orthodox will  marry in their houses. i doubt because our society is still not a modern society and caste system is prevelant. without ending this caste system the reconverison movement will not be succesful and there is high chance that these people will return to their converted religion.
Most surprising thing is the stand taken by our pseudo secular party who unimously brought our PM as leader of saffron and had neglected entire history. Now for our pseudosecular leaders, the word Hindustan is also communal, and its communal because it has the word “Hindu” and I seriously would like to ask them that who was the person to make hindu a religion? It was only a way of living of people from Indus valley civilization. Those leaders should first accept that only power and money is their religion and to have this they may go to any extent. already in the name of religion indus valley civilization has been divided and dont forget earlier hindustan was divided only because of psedosecular leader whose religion is nothing but money and blood of poor people and now again pseudo seculars are rising.They will tie up with criminals, they will hug old enemies to encounter charm of a national leader and upper senate will write letter to other countries’ senate to stop him and all foolish thing. We are novice infront of these leaders, but dear sirs and madams we the youth don’t want to learn politics from you people. You don’t take stand, you don’t have spine and so you are loathing here and there on foolish things and raising the issue to interrupt development progress. Had you been really serious you had devoted your energy in your constituency and neighboring area to make them ideal constituency.

I am born as Hindu, but I am atheist, I use to listen Sanskrit chants, melodious recitation of shabads, ramchartimanas and bhagwat geeta because I like it and not to please any god. I listen to them because I can feel the difference of these chants on myself. I don’t offer a single penny in temples, nor in mazars nor in churches nor in gurudwaras but I spent lavishly on needy people. My religion is humanity and religious sentiments are personal and I want to see my countrymen to follow scientific temper and religion of rationality. I want them to develop that much of rationality that no politicians or pseudo secular elements shall effect peace of the my mighty Motherland
जय हिन्द ! जय भारत !!

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