Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Social Media and Indian Democracy post 2013

Our political bosses as well as most of the old people were reluctant in getting friendly with new technology, often I use to hear “Orkut/Facebook/Smart Phones/Technology ne barbad kar diya hai new generation ko…crime rates badh rahe hai..blah blah blah…”


Ever wondered what happened suddenly that since 2013 onwards that every socially responsible person is making his page/account & trying to get connected with common people? From where it all had started? Was it repeated success of our PM Mr.Modi in State Legislature Elections (2013)  & Lok Sabha(2014) Election despite getting opposition from even people from his own old friends and party people or they have  accepted that social media what once was thought to be platform for youth for wasting their time now had become tool for elders to keep their views infront of them and ultimately to connect to youths. The country’s population with broad diversities and rich demographic dividend was finally penetrated foresightedness of PM and his his mastermind Strategist, Prashant Kishore, 37 year old Brilliant Bihari Chanakya(BBC) to a extent that today role of social media & cannot be ignored in India. And finally, with victory of Nitish Kumar, a dynamic leader of  Bihar, it has been confirmed repeatedly that the no matter whom so ever has been shown as 'King-Maker' by masses but in reality the real King Maker will be the person who has command of technology, reach to people and who manages abundance potential of social media in strategical way to show what people want. In Bihar also, it was all strategy and promotion and marketing via online platform by using  various Social Media and hitting social media addicted new-generation, most of whom today preferred to live in developed India and cares more about development, job creation, equality, fraternity rather than old ‘sickular-communal india ’.

A post takes few minutes to get viral with help of bunch of people whose work is only to keep the post highlighted by posting it in various active groups/pages, using tools to keep positive posts on first page of google(the greatest baba) and irony is that that most of the people inspite of getting education people believes what they see on news/post/google without using their own brain. They think their opinion and votes matters what is not the scenario. With Bihar Election BJP is busy in finding a reason for its defeat. Nitish has played cards and had taken the mastermind strategist, 37 year old Brilliant Bihari Chanakya from Buxar* with him who ultimately led to victory of Mahagathbandhan. 

With result of Bihar election, it made me to think about various so called secular people who are targeting our  Nationalist PM by saying that the intolerance had increased in country since the saffron party came in power but I doubt that on ground it’s the scene. Today when the year is on verge of ending, it’s easy for us to retrospect how things had gone in past.Opposition repeatedly targets PM who took pain in improving foreign relationship since day one of being as autocrat. Had he acted in autocratic way in real sense till date all the unbiased mainstream media houses who speaks mostly crap, would had been sealed, all the person who had returned their medals (without returning monetary cash given with them) would had been jailed for showing disrespect to nation and actors who are busy in taking cheap publicity would had been made to leave country and no doubt China’s Confucius prize would had been given to him  ;)

It was also a point to ponder that why a National Party who is ruling in Center become so intolerant during time when it needed support and vote from everyone that it led to attack on Churches (before Delhi State Elections) and Beef incidence along with Dadri Lynching, Killing of author occurred just before Bihar State Election Campaign started. Was BJP/NDA/RSS is fool by promoting these thing what may lead to loose them respect in eyes of people? Frankly speaking, I doesnot think that Modi is a fool by doing all this. Where all people when emergency were was imposed? When Sikhs were lynched? Crime is Crime, whether it is done by Minority or Majority and henceforth the biasness of media to show every news just to increase their TRP is not at all thing to be neglected. Where these responsible person had vanished when autocratic rule of one particular family/ neo nepotism had started and till date is continuing. The great leader from Afghanistan, Frontier Gandhi always opposed Two Nation Concept, neither respected Gandhiji was in favor but what happened suddenly that people who were speaking against that particular family started to get disappeared in mysterious way. I respect first PM for all development work he has done for India but had he wanted, had he compromised, had he agreed to given Priministrialship to Jinnah the country would had been secular in real sense. Religion and caste politics has been used by political bosses only for their profit and as soon our Countrymen will start accepting the fact and stop getting hurt in name of religion, the country will see a new golden phase of growth.

 Leaders/Opposition say Bihar Elections BJP lost because of RSS chief’s statement on Reservation policy, the most mishandled tool by our politicians. If this is a reason I feel shame to call Bihar my ancestral place. BJP was defeated long back in Bihar, when they sidelined the upper caste leaders and started making alliances on caste to have low hanging fruits.But victory of Nitish doesnot means that Mahagathbandhan got huge support. It should be noted that in BIHAR election NOTA votes were in  significant number and percentage( 9 lakh plus and 2.5%) which should be taken care by Election Commission seriously. The caste politics can only be played in few states of India and the result of Bihar election proved the fact again where the First Past The Post System led to victory of Mahagathbandhan, this happened once but i think with time if our respected leader will not stop playing caste politics cards then educated Indians will rather prefer for NOTA than to any party. This is time of Change. I am not a hardcore supporter of any political party, I believe that opposition had many good leader whom i personally respect few of them for their vision and Mr.Nitish Kumar himself is a dynamic person but had they really have guts to work for the people without thinking of getting opposition from sickular people why don’t they moot for casteless-reservation-free society where everyone has equal opportunity?  

Its indeed a tragedy of living in Sickular India is that a minority does anything/crime in any state & no one dares to report about the same on national media but you will get punished every second for getting birth in high caste and majority religion. Law and order is State subject but today situation in my country is such that even if an ISIS militant will get arrested then opposition will stand up and support the militant by saying that as he belonged to minority so he was arrested. There is no difference left in between  राष्ट्रवाद & आतंकवाद in my country and it seems that  inspite of giving healthy competition in Parliament, opposition they have started targeting ruling party for things what only malign image of Mother Nation on world forum. True, Modi has promised lot and still many promises are yet to be fulfilled but one has to understand that one need time to streamline everything. It doesnot mean that Modi has come to power and he will clean up every mess created in past sixty decades.

The nation is in building stage when demographic dividend is high and suppose that every political ‘national’ party will focus on utilization of the same for benefit of country/state. Burden of the same cant be handed only to them. Collectively every stake holder needs to act and play role ethically whether it is media, social media, politicians or citizen. There are many social evil what need attention of honorable politicians and for sake of development on ground, the blame-game should stop now and reluctant policies should be modified to give benefit to people who really need them. Though bitter, but all views are personal. My pen doesnot know to write for seeking political bosses or targeting person. Its my Country, my right to express what i feel and i am doing it. I have written voice  of heart which carve to see real development in India. IPeople may say that I am talking of Utopian Concept what is not possible in country like India but I Believe that if we will try improving ourself and will play our role ethically atleast we will give our future generation a better society to live.

वंदे माँ भारती!!
जय  हिन्द ! जय भारत !
* To inform reader, our BBC earlier was with Mr. Modi since 2013's Gujarat State Election and was in good book of Modi but as per few newspaper, Mr.Shah was not very fond of him and when Modi started assigning jobs to Kishore which normally shah would execute many bureaucrat and senior party men too didnot appreciate that he had become Modi's bridge to the world. 
I wonder why the BBC doesnot get noticed for his massive success in 2013 and 2014, respect for the gentlemen strategist and thanks to Nitish Kumar to recognize him. Mr.Prashant founded Indian People's Action Society, an election management consultancy firm.

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