Tuesday, November 18, 2014

जातिगत आरक्षण : एक विश्लेषण

भारत की आज़ादी के समय अमीर-गरीब के अलावा सवर्ण – दलित का भी काफी ज़ोर था, संविधान बनाते समय माननीने बाबासाहेब अंबेडकर ने “कमजोर- वर्ग” बोलकर ये उस समय साफ कर दिया था की उनकी नज़र में कमजोर व  पिछड़ा वर्ग का मतलब सिर्फ 'जाति' नहीं उससे कहीं जायदा था।
आज़ादी के बाद हमारे राजनेताओ ने संविधान का आदर करते हुए  10 साल की तय समय सीमा के अनुसार अनुसूचित जाती और जनजाति  को आरक्षण दिया पर  उसके बाद  संसद के गलियारों में बैठे लोगो ने सिर्फ  आरक्षण को बढ़ाया पर  पिछले 65 सालों से और   बढाते जा रहे है । उन्हे अब तक ये समझ नहीं आया की गलती कहीं न कहीं आरक्षण देने के तरीके में या उसे execute करने में है, अगर ऐसा नहीं होता तो आज ' "semi-nomadic tribes' भारत में इतने पिछड़े हालात में नहीं पाये जाते , जिन लोगो को, जिन जनजाति को सच में सरकार के देख रेख की जरूरत है उन्हे ये भी पता नहीं होगा की सरकार उन्हे लेकर कुछ सोच रही है , इसे हम क्या माने , सरकार की बेरुखी या कार्यकारी लोगो की अनदेखी। मैंने  झारखंड प्रदेश  के बोकारो स्टील नगर से अपनी स्कूल की शिक्षा पाई है और उसके बाद जिस जिस महानगर गई वहाँ यही देखा की जिनहे जरूरत है उन आदिवासियो को तो कोई लाभ मिल ही नहीं रहा , जंगलों से human-trafficking होती है लड्कीओ के , as a source of cheap labour,the child are either thrown away in child labour business or in  sex racket। और अगर सच में सरकार के आरक्षण से कोई फर्क पड़ता तो आज महानगरों में ये काम करने वाले एजेंटस की तादाद बदती न जाती । दुख होता है उनकी हालात देखकर जहां 12-20 घंटे उन्हे काम करना होता है, कौन सा labour law उनके लिए काम आ रहा है ।

सन के बाद  आरक्षण २३% से बढ़ाकर ५० %..... आरक्षण की वस्तुतः तरीका ये है की किसी प्रतियोगी परीक्षा में age-relaxation के साथ मार्क्स भी उन्हे कम लाने पर अच्छे पोस्ट मिलते है, क्यूँ ?? कोई एक relaxation देने से काम नहीं चल रहा है है क्या ??
 पर मूलतः अब आरक्षण पिछड़े वर्गो को आगे बढ़ाने के उद्देश से नहीं , सिर्फ राजनीति लाभ के लिए सिकुड़ कर रह गया है। चुनाव के समय एक सिनेमा बनी थी , भूतनाथ रिटर्न्स जिसमें ये गरीबो के समस्या को बहुत अच्छे से दर्शाया गया है।  मनीनेय नेतागण , या जो भी  लोग अपने राजनीतिक उददेशों के रोटी सेकने में जातिगत- आरक्षण का पुरजोर समर्थन करते है, उनसे मैं सिर्फ इतना पूछना चहुंगी की सरकार ये बता दीजिये की “गरीबी क्या जाति पुछ कर आती है” अगर नहीं तो आज़ाद भारत में किस आधार पर आप सिर्फ एक वर्ग के लिए आरक्षण दिये जा रहे हो? जहाँ लाखो योजनाए चल रही है वहाँ आप क्या भारत में “Quality-education- Free of Cost to all students upto १२th or graduation” नहीं दे सकते हो क्या ? उसके बाद जो इंसान जहां , जिस क्षेत्र में काम करना चाहे वहाँ के लिए उसे प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में बैठने दे  , पर  बिना किसी आरक्षण के.........

मेरे काफी मित्र व कुछ राजनेताओं के मुह से ये सुना है की सवर्णों ने दलितो का शोषण किया है इसलिए उन्हे आरक्षण मिलना चाहिए। मुझे ये बताए कितने राजघराने थे भारत में ? अभी भी सशक्त राजघराने के लोग महलों में ऐश करते है और पिस्ते है आम आदमी।  इतिहास के अनुसार 12th AD – 19th AD गुलाम वंश, मुगल वंश व ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी ने भारत का खून चूसा और इल्ज़ाम सिर्फ हिन्दू जाति के कुछ जातियो पर?? और किसी ने शोषण भी किया तो एक फ़ैमिली ने किया होगा न की पूरे जाति ने। और आज लोकतन्त्र और नयाय के युग में कहाँ लिखा है की बाप के अपराध की सज़ा उनकी पूरी आने वाले नस्लों को दो।  आगे बात ये है की   हिन्दू जाति को छोरकर मनसबदार , जगीरदार और भी जाति के लोग रहते थे जिनमें से एक को (जिनके पश्चमि भारत मे रजवारे थे) चुनाव से ठीक पहले पिछड़ी जाति में शामिल किया गया। हिन्दू जाति के कुछ सब-सेक्शन को छोरकर जो अनारक्षित है और दूसरी जाति आते है सब अा गए अल्पसंखयक में , तो आप नेतागण चाहते क्या है की हिन्दू समाज का सिर्फ कुछ वर्ग आपकी राजनीति चक्की में पीसकर रह जाए?? 

समाजशास्त्र की किताबें देखिये, काफी विचरवानों ने ये कहा है की “THE SOCIAL STRATA HAS CHANGED & NOW The Class WHO WERE AT BOTTOM ARE AT TOP” ।
कुछ नेताओ का कहना है की हम दलितो के vote पर संसद आए है तो उनका साथ नहीं छोर सकते । सरकार आपसे साथ छोरने किसने कहा है ,


I personally believe there are only two religion on earth, a. Rich and B. Poor. For poor, religion is opium-something on which they blame their irrationality and for rich religion is rationality. 

 आज हमारे देश में कोई vote जाति के आधार पर मांगता है कोई अपनी cabinet का कुछ हिस्सा जातिगत आधार पर बाटता है और बोलते  है की हम भारत के लिए कर रहे है। एक महान संस्थान के प्रमुख एक तरह हिन्दू को जोड़ने की बात करेंगे और दूसरे तरफ जातिगत आरक्षण। पंडितजी अंतरजातिए विवाह व जातिगत आरक्षण एक साथ नहीं चलेगी , यहाँ तो honor- Killing हो जाती है।

सरकार  बोलती है की CAD( Current Account Deficiet), FD( Fiscal Deficit) बढ़ रहा है , Brain-Drain हो रहा हैं ......वगैरह-वगैरह ........अौर क्यो न हो अधिकतर जगह तो और आपकी पॉलिसी ही इसके लिए जिम्मेदार है। और रही बात की पैसा नहीं है तो अनुसूचित जनजाति में जो लोग धनगढ़ है ,कारोरपति है उन्हे आयकर विभाग से आय कर न देने पर छूट क्यूँ है ? आजतक हमारे वित मंत्री Indirect tax का भार आम आदमी से हटा नहीं पाये और फिर भी उन्हे छूट दिये जा रहे है । किसी विशेस जाति में होने पर क्या आपको संविधान इसकी छूट देता है क्या की आप सिर्फ भारत से लेते रहे और एक कर भी न दे। 

अचंभित हूँ चल क्या रहा है राजनीतिज्ञ गलियारो में ??? ऐसे करने पर भारत को विश्वशक्ति बनाने के संपने देखे जा रहे है तो भूल जाएए। आज एक नेता भी खुलकर इस मुद्दे पर बात नहीं करता, उन्हे डर है की उनकी गद्दी चली जाएगी , कोई भी राजनीति दल हो , बस बोलेंगे की हम सेकुलर है पर सेकुलरिस्म की खाल खीच ली है इनहोने , कोई मुस्लिम की पार्टी बनकर रह गई है , कोई दलितो का महिसा, कोई पिछरित वर्गो का और कोई सवर्णों का। भारत की पार्टी साएद ही बनी है।

इस मुद्दे पर कई लोग खुलकर विरोध कर रहे है, जिनहे media से 'न' के बराबर ही सहयोग मिलता है , ऐसे ही कुछ लोगो के संपर्क में मैं FB के जरिये आई। मैं उनके आंढोलन का पूर्णटह सहयोग करती हूँ..... इसलिए नहीं की मुझे आरक्षण से दिक्कत है पर इसलिए क्यूंकी अब आज़ादी की 66 सालों बीत जाने के बाद भी आप उनके लिए कुछ नहीं कर पाये, आज भी गरीबी है, और गरीबी अब एक वर्ग को छोरकर महामारी की तरह और जातियो को भी जकड़ रखा है , पर आपकी नीति नहीं बदल रही , आप अमीर गरीब के बीच के दूरी को खत्म करे , उन्हे पढ़ाये , उनकी मानसिकता का विकास करवाए ,  समानता खुद आ जाएगी।

यह पोस्ट किसी पार्टी की खिलाफ नहीं नहीं है व अगर भारत सरकार का कोई भी नुइमिंदा इस पोस्ट को ध्यान से पढ़ रहा है तो उनसे एक ही निवेदन है की जहां लोग निर्णय लेते है वहाँ भी इस बात को पाहुचाए की आम लोगो में और भी काफी मुद्दे पर रोष है, आप आरक्षण जरूरु दो पर जाति के आधार पर नहीं , जिनहे जरूरत है उन्हे। गरीबी की जात नहीं होती और मैंने सवर्णों को भी पेट काटते देखा है।

"समर शेष है, नहीं पाप का भागी केवल व्याघ्र,
जो तटस्थ हैं, समय लिखेगा उनका भी अपराध।"
जय हिन्द , जय भारत

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                                 बताना किस जाती के बच्चे है ये??


  1. Counting caste in the census- http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-opinion/counting-caste-in-the-census/article6616528.ece

    " It will be quite a daunting task to match the socio-economic characteristics of a particular community with its numerical strength. In whatever manner the details may be put to use, India must continue to balance social justice with the long-term objective of creating a caste-free society."

  2. caste reservation is not for the poverty only, it was given for the socio-economic backwardness. even you can see in the today's society. there is still discrimination based on caste identity not on the poverty . example is the still ongoing opposition to inter-caste marriages, so you can generally see even person of the backward caste is more well enough but belongs to so called lower caste, then the society and family still oppose and give preference to less Qualified, less deserving person of the same caste. ... well I know that politicization of caste reservation will not in favor of out nation. but sorry to say , untill the caste exists and caste based arrange marriages will help to continue the caste discrimination, we will not have a mix society where caste system will become obsolete, till we will not able to eradicate the reservation... even I can say that If you prefer caste based arrange marriage it is still a form of reservation where marriage reservation only for the caste boy or girl given preferences and other all are avoided.

    only by complete eradication of caste system we will ensure the permanent solution of all this problem
    1 ban on all the caste identities (caste surname which is not more then 10000 name aprox)
    2 ban on children adopting the surname of their parents and grandparents , it will help to break the continuation of caste identities.
    3. ban all the caste association and Jaati panhayats and make sure that these caste organisation will abolished.
    4. ban on caste name in business and all organization name.
    5. Improve the education and all anti-caste system topic and encourage the family social and marriage relation without thinking about caste. so , next generation will oppose caste system in every form.
    6 after applying the complete ban on caste identities and caste organization which will ensure the abolition of caste system, abolish the caste reservation.

    SO if you are saying for the abolition of caste reservation without demanding for eradication of the caste system completely form out society , family , marriage relationship etc en every form. Than you are just opposing the caste reservation in govt jobs etc but not opposing the caste discrimination in society , family and marriages which is also a form of reservation and more inhumane in Nature . So understand that this all discrimination and also the caste reservation in exist just because of the caste system in indian society and we have to abolish it first then we will truly able to end the all caste problems , discrimination and also the caste reservation .

    1. very well written...i have posted link of this topic in mygov.in so that our democratic system can know view of common person....and indeed i favor secularism in real sense by making it complete private affair...caste based reservation and caste discrimination can not be removed separately. if titles can be removed to bring equality in India, then Surnames can also be removed...
      today our society is divided more in btwn those who "haves" and those who "Have nots".... a general caste develops more hatred/jealously/ill feeling for other reserved caste when he come to that the other person need to get less marks to qualify any exam...or will be preferred in name of representation of his community in government job's promotion...so ultimately this result in honor killings and all. for example : http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-honour-killing-girl-shot-dead-by-brother-in-meerut-2038288 - Honour Killing: Girl shot dead by brother in Meerut :
      some will call this as love jihad and some honor killing. i refer this as a fruit of casteism what is more promoted by caste based reservation

    2. I am agree with your view partially that politicization of caste reservation is making the situation worst , but if you come to Honour killing which is the most heinous and barbaric crime. It is not only the fruit of caste mentality but it is the poisonous fruit of patriarchal society which practices gender discrimination at large and honour killing is not happen only in inter-caste marriage but also in happen in inter-religious marriages and marriage in same gotra even their caste is same.
      So honour killing in very inhumane crime where even parents commit that barbaric insane crime without thinking about their child's feeling , likes and happiness.
      also Love jihad is not having any relation to the caste based reservation because there is no religion based reservation given by the state and it also prohibited by court. But love jihad is created for the polarization of masses to gain political benefits.
      I am not defending those hide their religious identity in their marriage they must have to punished, because it is also a crime, fraud and breach of trust which is essiential part of marrital relationship. there may be some cases where some of the idiots made pressure to change the religion of their life-partner. but these are individual crime. and by these example we can not oppose the inter-religious marriages because most of all these marriages have factor of love that why they dares to go against the objection of hypocrite society.

    3. why I say it is hypocrite because there is always two standard, one for women another for men. you can see that if boy having the affair thn nobody panic normally but if they find that the girl of their family have affair thn everyone loses their mind.... another example of hypocrisy is arrange marriage in India where in more then 50 % of marriages nobody ask for girl's opinion and here will, 10% of forced arrange marriages which happen even girl oppose, in 20% parents emotionally blackmail the girl to accept in the name of honour and society, rest less then 20% goes with the girl's wish and willingness. that is why I call those arrange marriage 'traditionally ongoing socially accepted rape practices' in where girl is not able to marry with her likes and forced , emotionally blackmailed or her opinion not asked. After that sound celebration, making noise, dance and eating, gathering ceremony(Marriage ceremony) what will happen that that girl have to sleep with the person who she don't even like , so that's why I called it the rape practice. the worst thing is that she have to take care her rapist for whole life this means that rape will continue for her whole life so she have to give up . if there will some conflict arouse in marriage and she complain to her parents that her husband is beating her then she will get the almost same reply that we have done our duties and it is your internal family problem so talk your husband and make him understand and if he wont understand just be quite and follow his order to avoid beating.. I'm not saying that everyone faces similar problem but many of women face that problem..
      ( according to the national crime record bureau of India
      every 77 minuted a dowry death happen in India,
      47% of girls married before 18 year{child marriages},
      every 9 minute there is a case of domestic violence against women and
      Around 70% of women in India are victim of domestic violence)
      so parents always oppose having affair with anyone but is accepted for them to marry the stranger they choose in arrange marrige and thn sleep with him/her and Ya these parents prefer their daughters to be killed and tortured for dowry but the torture should come from the same caste only..that is the height of hypocrisy.
      lets come to the topic again , that most of the women of get raped in these arrange marriages because they don't want to marry that person but they don't have any other option thn follow the parental order.
      the even worst thing is that parents become blind in the name of caste , religion and fake societal honour, so they don't even realize that they are mainly supporting the rape or sexual harassment of their child. and even they forget that their children also have heart to feel and love and having a brain to think , to like and dislike. after all parents forget theat their children are also similar human as them who can fall in love, like and dislike the things and also deserve to be happy and smile... but parents and whole society forget this that their children not a brainless or heartless robots. they are human who can smile in happiness but also cry in pain when they get hurt. So that innocence should not be killed and their smile and happiness should not be sacrificed in the name of that family and societal fake honour. caste discrimination, gender discrimination and extreme religious mentality in human make
      them more inhumane.

    4. First of all, i would like to thank you for giving your time to write up frankly on these untouched issue...whatever you have given your inputs is real hard fact..and for the same i raise my voice again and again for caste-less society....but my dear friend people other than General Hindu came in Minority and they have Schemes like( Minority 16 point programme) to uplift them { hard fact is that no money has been utilized till May 2014 but they can utilize it}.
      Further, as per my knowledge some of my Christians/Muslim colleague came in OBC category. it means they are taking dual benefit...(may be i am wrong or may be they are converted) But is that really matters?? in 21st centuary, if we are even talking about caste it is failure of legislative, executive and judiciary body....Love Jihad was some other thing but now even if a simple marriage happens some group make it a sensitizing news...and i bet that if our politicians had not played this vote bank politics...had not kept masses under poverty and had taken some step to bring rationality situation would had been different...
      and regarding marriage what you have written is true..i wonder what is compulsion of getting married...cant a girl live life as single women with society accepting this?? our Patriarchal society has kept all their honor on girls....Now i nvr listen to what society says..i do what i feel is good for me..because i know that if anything wrong ll happen to me then the society will only show sympathy and ll do no work on ground .

    5. Your welcome, that is why I say complete eradication of caste system with caste identities and abolition of all tradition and rituals of gender discrimination which are against the honour and freedom of women.
      And there must be promotion of rational education to create the awareness about the hazardous effect of caste system, gender discrimination and religious extremism. So this will create awareness about human value against caste discrimination and sensitivity toward females and religion would be personal issue even husband , wife and children can follow different religion or no religion.
      that is why said earlier to take extreme measure to abolish all these discriminatory practices because
      you are aware about the gender discrimination in society and families at large also you know about the caste as dominant factor in marriage, and religious extremism in riots,
      I also agree that reservation may helped some of the backward section of the society and constitutional rights improved the condition of women
      but now the some of realistic facts of caste discrimination and gender apathy
      In deep rural areas even today after 67 year of freedom untouchability on caste basis still in practice. also the manual scavenging is going in deep rural areas women are like servants in many families where their wish and will suffocated at large in these deep rooted rural areas nobody cares what the girl want also girl child abortion in the educated families are more then the uneducated families so is the education making us blind ? no that is the male chauvinism where they want boy even he will kick them at their old ages. well religious tension are not so extreme in rural areas
      so these things not only divides our society (even british uses the caste system very well to establish colonial rule in India ) but made our society more inhumane.
      I can give many facts in favor that women in so called lower caste enjoyed more freedom than so called upper caste and in these so called upper caste condition of women and their rights were so worst than the lower caste just because of the whole burden of family honor women were the subject even still they are the subject, so society put many restriction on them. and you say about 'have's' and 'have not's' , then I think you are only observing the issue on economic basis (so sc st obc population have 2 to 3 times more then other people still under bpl : see poverty census ) but this not only the economic issue because caste system and gender discrimination is also ethical issue which is also matter of respect and dignity.

      now I feel we don't need to discuss about the differences between caste because if we make more focus on differentiating castes then it will create deeper bitterness which would benefit the politician not the common public. and also there is problem of sub-castes (caste within caste) which is even more idiotic practices still going on because in the social. marital relations where even the sub-caste dominates .... so this all caste system and gender discrimination is most idiotic moronic inhumane, nonsense practices in our society.
      So we have to focus on how to abolish these things from society and change the mentality of public. because only making some changes would not help to mitigate these problems. only the complete eradication of caste system and practices of gender discrimination would help to solve all the related problems and discriminatory practices(such as untouchablity, honor killing , girl child abortion, forced marriage, opposition of inter-caste marriages, sexual exploitation of women, dowry problem and also caste-reservation etc etc list is very long ).

  3. M wondering how easy it is for our gov. to increase reservation day by day.. During election campaigning, they say,"We will give (some) people reservation" as if they are distributing toffees among children.. WOW what a policy.. what about those who are not getting reservation??? what should they do??
    gov. says that people should not go abroad n give them their services, they should stay here and make INDIA the best country in the world... HOW??? IS IT POSSIBLE WITH YOUR F**KING RESERVATION??? NO.. Those students who want to study, secures high scores are stil unable to get even a single seat in a good college but those with reserved categories get the best college even with lower grades..Soooo cuteee isn't it??? then, you say u shud stay here only.. Why?? To roam around for a job, or a seat for further studies or jus to see that damn reservation..!
    Waise kehte hain k bharat me samaanta ka adhikaar hai.. kahan hai samaannta...?? agar hai to samaanta se saamnaa kro na.. come n show your potential.. roka kisne hai..
    here in INDIA,

    Kya wo insan nahi hain kya??? fer kehte ho k bahar ja rahe hain log INDIA chod ke..!!
    Reservation ki definition change kro... unko resrervation do jinko jarurat hai... na k unko jinke pas AUDI ya BMW n crores k flats hain... Quality education do na k Cramming sikhao.. bacche janam category puch k nahi lete k han isme fayda hai ya paida hona hai.. School se hi bhedbhaw kr rkha hai,, aage to kya hi SAMAANTA ki bat krte ho.. SAMAANTA CHAHTE HO TO SAMAANTA DIKHAO..!!
    Soch badlo desh apne ap badal jayega.. aur ye rerservation k tave pe rotiyan sekna band kro..kisi din YOUTH NE AAG LAGAI NA TOH SAB RAKH HO JAYEGA..!!

    1. DEAR Jyoti Arora, first correct the fact there is no TAX RELAXATION for RESERVED CATEGORIES. and baaki all the things you may be right little bit. but you have to know and understand the fact that RESERVATION exist because of Caste System and still ongoing discrimination(see opposition to inter-caste marriages even in urban areas and also Untouchability in rural areas still exist in india) in India . and if we just want to abolish caste reservation but not saying a word to abolish caste system, that means we are being selfish and silently supporting this evil caste system. So If we truly want to abolish the caste reservation , we first have to abolish the Caste system first. which is the root cause of all these problems.
      and untill this caste system exist politician will always misuse caste reservation for vote bank politics.
      that means the only permanent solution is complete eradication of caste system from our country , from our society ,family, marriage relationship and within our-self too. I already explained in earlier reply to how to eradicate caste system and caste reservation.

    2. @Dev : Tax Relation is there for schedule tribes. even if they earn in crores they do not have to pay a single penny.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @Kaveri Singh I know that but I-T department made it clear that the benefits for the Scheduled Tribes are subject to specific conditions and are area-specific It is mostly limited schedule areas in North-Eastern states where they are not having even financial developments more then 90 % there already living in financial scarcity you can see economic sensus (In the northeast, STs in North Cachar Hills, Karbi Anglong, Bodoland Territorial Autonomous District in Assam, Jaintia Hills & Garo Hills in Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura and Ladakh are exempted from income tax.)
      well I am not defending their exemption here.
      also I want to let you know that all the minorities having tax exemption in setting their educational institution and other minority activities and institution. means muslim, christian etc . now jain (most educated and one of the richest community considered as minority in india) also enjoying tax exemption..

      here too I'm not against any community or religious group and also not in favor of... I just think that this differential treatment is just because of social differences or discrimination in society..

      That's why we also have Women Reservation and more Income tax relaxation for women than men in india even the constitution given equal right to women as men just after independence. it is because still gender discrimination exist in India even after 65 year of Independence.

      and I am only saying that social differential treatment and discrimination exist because of caste system, gender discrimination and religious differences, so I just I am just saying that we have to abolish caste system , gender discrimination and religious discrimination and all the related discriminatory practices . which is the permanent solution of any kind of differential treatment. discrimination and also reservation. So please don't think single dimension of anything try to look at the root cause.... why I say that people oppose the caste reservation but they not making a single comment about abolishing the caste system and still ongoing caste practices in India which is always the root cause..

  4. @jyoti : well written...it seems you have puked all of ur frustration... :) study well, GMAT is there for you :)
