Sunday, October 2, 2016

21st Century: Are Female really Empowered?

Since vedic era till date, condition of women from "being worshiped' & respected have gone to 'have to be empowered' by bringing legislation. Where we have missed, where in life of female, the male domination started is still question which is to be discussed separately. 

Last week I was watching #PINK movie, an impeccable movie by Mr.Amitabh Bachhan and entire team; Same week had watched #PARCHED, another appreciable movie by Ajay Devgan on real condition of women which is parched itslelf in today's  developed society..
By watching these two movie many things from childhood to school days to college time and marriage and as on time had flashed in one go infront of of my family person who didnt allowed me to study, struggle of my parents of getting me educated, another person advising my father not to enroll me for engineering but to save money for dowry and so on... I was lucky that my dad was supportive who didnt listened to society and had backed me to grow in professional life. 
But question is not of few handful families. Again & again, our society had given us tremendous example to prove that still India is a country where society tries to bluff themselves by saying that they are  not radicalist, not orthodox, are educated, respect female in real, treat them equal and are of modern outlook, in simple developed, but in real if will says in terms of "Public Administration terms'  sours is a #Prismatic society where youths specifically FEMALE of our generation are still waiting for the day when in real we can be modern society..not in terms of clothes but in terms of MINDSET.

I always mooted for Atheist and casteless society, same can be verified from old posts of mine, the reason is not that by birth I am from a caste which is being treated backward by social pundits, but the region lies in my belief of feminism. 
My caste is consider as from ruler clans, people still think themselves as kings and queens of some subas and jagirs and female still treated as object of social showoff..from your class to college degree and from choosing of friends to choosing of life partner, nothing can be done with consent of the female. It is being believed by the patriarchal society and female who have been habituated of living in that environment that for them the question of letting a girl remain 'Single' is unacceptable, no matter even if you give them on legal paper that you want to stay alone because you want it,and one may not like to share his reason for her/his preference of staying alone. 

But, can any one help me in figuring that is being female  means that you have to dream as guided by your society and you can not do any thing which is not written in the rule book of that society/caste; if you love armours and you want to live with people related to this field, society has no right to dictate you to disallow you. 

I noted some known ladies who are now spending their life in some monastery either in Buddhist or in art of living camps  on voluntary basis , which made me realize that Unlike boys, some girls also have interest in philanthropy/social service, art, travelling cum adventurous life,and someone will be living to taste and give satisfaction to taste-buds of delicious food and it will be obvious that for her money is of great important but whatever she earns she might want to spend on living life, rather than thinking on how to save money for future.

Its more obvious that if someone has specific type of mindset, compatibility will match with specific type of person and if society forces something on the female, it may be recipe for dangerous tickling time-bomb which either may let her end her own life or make her arrogant and behave as non caring or take some step for survival. 

  Still, I am trying to figure out whether society have RIGHT to judge a female that  how important is DREAMS for her?  Whether girl need to explain, what strategy she ought to follow for this or do she need to given proof that if she could not clear it in time-frame given by society , its doesnot means she is not serious for this. Indian patriarchal society has no religion;their sorry can not rewind time.I got griefend by sorrow and get soaked with pain when observe society forces a adolescent female/working independent girl to get married to someone of their choice and  console her with false hope that after marriage she will be free to peruse her dreams, forgetting that after marriage, responsibility of entire new family comes over a girl. Saying 'Yes or "No' both situation are painful for a lady which ultimately make her  to tolerate all society based emotional dramas which ultimately lead her to  #education  or leave #JOB ,or becoming a #producing_unit_of_babies .... Females are like ocean, they cant complain, can not cry, perhaps with pressure some females end life, some take tough measures which vilify them in-front of society but give them life of solitude and peace. 
Tomorrow, if a girl will fulfill her dream, then no doubt,  society will also link its false pride with her dream, and will justify that their action of giving mental pressure was justified by quoting some line from religious scrips...quotes making this copied nazm justified for a life of girl ;)

अभी तलक तो न कुन्दन हुए...न राख हुए , हम ने अपने आग में हर रोज़ जल के देखा है !! 

If we are talking about single women, why not try to  understand why a female want to remain single. Man is a social animal who love to be in group, want to share, have fun with likely minded midst of this, if someone tries to remain single, it doesnot means the person is unsocial, it shows the person has not got something as per expectation or had decided to stay in solitude for some spiritual purpose. When most of us like love, compassion, family ; a girl prefer to stay single because she is incompatible with  boys, with who was fixed via some arrange dating concept by parents  and instead of compromising on personal font of life, they preferred to stay single. I wish, most of ladies may stand strong to take this decision.

Movie makers are producing cult movies to show ongoing issue of society, Government is passing legislatures; though by analysis you will find loopholes, but still will appreciate government for atleast thinking for Female. Thanks to all of the stakeholders who are trying bit for us but still wondering when the day will come when in real Societal behavior and mindset will change, when empowerment will be in India in real.  Why it is tough for society of #Bhaiyas & #Babus and guardians of social evils to  to accept that Tough we are females, still we have dreams which is more important for us than getting married and fulfilling social obligations, we are not made to compromise always...

I believe single women can live life in much better way but unable to understand if someone want to spend life in solitude why society want to force their dreams on her..Moreover,Love doesnot means love to a means love for you dreams..ur Passion, your Zeal...

I agree that it will be time taking for we 'THE FEMALEs  to grow strong, or say NO to society but it will happen soon...No more compromise with dreams..We should either live with DREAMS or DIE if have to live a life full of compromises...Let the society think whatever they want,self satisfaction comes from life where you have lived DREAMS..Would like to conclude by quoting lines  of our ex-PM shri Atal Bihari Bajpay jee: 

हार नहीं मनुगी , रार नई ठानुगी....काल के कपाल  पर लिखती मिटाती हूँ..गीत नया गाती हूँ   

(gender changed while quoting text)

Friday, April 29, 2016

Legacy of Dr.BhimRao Ambedkar

On 125th birthday of Dr.BhimRao Ambedkar, all of the Political Parties are trying to show that their ideology is of Babasaheb, but i feel sorry for them who are running after Babasaheb's word and have missed his ideology. 
Babsaheb has spent his entire life to end discrimination, to bring equality but never had ever thought of curbing poor what is today happening because of modern political ideologies. 

B.R. Ambedkar was a man of many parts—a scholar, a social reformer, a politician, a religious thinker and the moving spirit of the Indian constitution. He wrote prolifically over his nearly four decades in public life. and I would be novice if I shall try to explain his thinking but hereby reproducing The Legend in his own words and expects that after reading this our great politicians should try to eliminate caste system and not to increase it with their silly caste based reservation policy. I hope someday, one single leader/statesman will stand up and will raise voice mooting a caste-less society and shall propose reform which actually may bring smile on oppressed class. 

Bharat can not be land of only Gandhi, but it also land of Babasaheb Ambedkar, Netaji Bose whose ideology should be followed by our learned politicains as a gesture of real tribute to great legends. 

I am thankful to Mint which offered a very brief glimpse into his astonishingly diverse oeuvre. These selections have been chosen with an eye on contemporary relevance, and hence do not cover what Ambedkar wrote on the more immediate issues of his time.

·         Ambedkar was exposed to the sheer brutality of the caste system even when he was a child. In an undated autobiographical note, he described what he had to endure during a family trip. Even when he later came back from the US to take a job in the Baroda government, Ambedkar found it hard to get accommodation in the city.
·   “As is usual among the Hindus, the station-master asked us who we were. Without a moment’s thought I blurted out that we were Mahars. He was stunned. His face underwent a sudden change. We could see that he was overpowered by a strange feeling of repulsion. As soon as he heard my reply he went away to his room, and we stood where we were. Fifteen to twenty minutes elapsed; the sun was almost setting. Our father had not turned up, nor had he sent his servant; and now the station-master had also left us. We were quite bewildered, and the joy and happiness which we had felt at the beginning of the journey gave way to a feeling of extreme sadness.
·   After half an hour, the station-master returned and asked us what we proposed to do. We said that if we could get a bullock-carton hire, we would go to Koregaon; and if it was not very far, we would like to start straightway. There were many bullock-carts plying for hire. But my reply to the station-master that we were Mahars had gone round among the cartmen, and not one of them was prepared to suffer being polluted, and to demean himself carrying passengers of the untouchable classes. We were prepared to pay double the fare, but we found that money did not work.
·   The station-master who was negotiating on our behalf stood silent, not knowing what to do. Suddenly a thought seemed to have entered his head and he asked us, “Can you drive the cart?” Feeling that he was finding out a solution of our difficulty, we shouted, “Yes, we can.” With that answer he went and proposed on our behalf that we were to pay the cartman double the fare and drive the cart, and that he should walk on foot along with the cart on our journey. One cartman agreed, since it gave him an opportunity to earn his fare and also saved him from being polluted.
·   It was about 6:30pm when we were ready to start. But we were anxious not to leave the station until we were assured that we would reach Koregaon before it was dark. We therefore questioned the cartman about the distance, and the time he would take to reach Koregaon. He assured us that it would be not more than three hours. Believing in his word, we put our luggage in the cart, thanked the station-master, and got into the cart. One of us took the reins and the cart started, with the man walking by our side.
·   Not very far from the station there flowed a river. It was quite dry, except at places where there were small pools of water. The owner of the cart proposed that we should halt there and have our meal, as we might not get water on our way. We agreed. He asked us to give a part of his fare to enable him to go to the village and have his meal. My brother gave him some money and he left, promising to return soon. We were very hungry, and were glad to have had an opportunity to have a bite... We opened the tiffin basket and started eating.”
·   We needed water to wash things down. One of us went to the pool of water in the river basin nearby. But the water really was no water. It was thick with mud and urine and excreta of the cows and buffaloes and other cattle who went to the pool for drinking. In fact that water was not intended for human use. At any rate the stink of the water was so strong we could not drink it. We had therefore to close our meal before we were satisfied, and wait for the arrival of the cartman…
·   “On his advice I went to the toll-collector’s hut and asked him if he would give us some water. ‘Who are you?’ he inquired. I replied that we were Musalmans. I conversed with him in Urdu (which I knew very well), so as to leave no doubt that I was a real Musalman. But the trick did not work and his reply was very curt. ‘Who has kept water for you? There is water on the hill, if you want to go and get it; I have none.’ With this he dismissed me. I returned to the cart, and conveyed to my brother his reply. I don’t know what my brother felt. All that he did was to tell us to lie down.
·   The bullocks had been unyoked, and the cart was placed sloping down on the ground. We spread our beds on the bottom planks inside the cart, and laid down our bodies to rest. Now that we had come to a place of safety we did not mind what happened. But our minds could not help turning to the latest event. There was plenty of food with us. There was hunger burning within us; with all this we were to sleep without food; that was because we could get no water, and we could get no water because we were untouchables.”
-From an autobiographical note, circa 1934

 The most important battles Ambedkar fought were for the rights of his people. The treatment given to untouchables angered him. He attacked Hindu society for what it had done to the untouchables, but also told social reformers from the upper castes that caste could not be annihilated unless the old religious texts themselves are questioned. If Ambedkar was critical of Hindu society, he was perhaps even more critical of Muslim society, especially its regressive politics and its treatment of women.

·         “You are right in holding that Caste will cease to be an operative farce only when inter-dining and inter-marriage have become matters of common course. You have located the source of the disease. But is your prescription the right prescription for the disease? Ask yourselves this question; Why is it that a large majority of Hindus do not inter-dine and do not inter-marry? Why is it that your cause is not popular? There can be only one answer to this question and it is that inter-dining and inter-marriage are repugnant to the beliefs and dogmas which the Hindus regard as sacred. Caste is not a physical object like a wall of bricks or a line of barbed wire which prevents the Hindus from co-mingling and which has, therefore, to be pulled down. Caste is a notion, it is a state of the mind. The destruction of Caste does not therefore mean the destruction of a physical barrier. It means a notional change. Caste may be bad. Caste may lead to conduct so gross as to be called man’s inhumanity to man. All the same, it must be recognized that the Hindus observe Caste not because they are inhuman or wrong-headed. They observe Caste because they are deeply religious. People are not wrong in observing Caste. In my view, what is wrong is their religion, which has inculcated this notion of Caste. If this is correct, then obviously the enemy, you must grapple with is not the people who observe Caste, but the Shastras which teach them this religion of Caste.”
·         —From the Annihilation of Caste, 1936
      “There can thus be no manner of doubt that the Muslim Society in India is afflicted by the same social evils as afflict the Hindu Society. Indeed, the Muslims have all the social evils of the Hindus and something more. That something more is the compulsory system of purdah for Muslim women.
·         These burka women walking in the streets is one of the most hideous sights one can witness in India. Such seclusion cannot but have its deteriorating effects upon the physical constitution of Muslim women. They are usually victims to anaemia, tuberculosis and pyorrhoea. Their bodies are deformed, with their backs bent, bones protruded, hands and feet crooked. Ribs, joints and nearly all their bones ache. Heart palpitation is very often present in them. The result of this pelvic deformity is untimely death at the time of delivery. Purdah deprives Muslim women of mental and moral nourishment…
·         The existence of these evils among the Muslims is distressing enough. But far more distressing is the fact that there is no organized movement of social reform among the Musalmans of India on a scale sufficient to bring about their eradication. The Hindus have their social evils. But there is this relieving feature about them—namely, that some of them are conscious of their existence and a few of them are actively agitating for their removal. The Muslims, on the other hand, do not realize that they are evils and consequently do not agitate for their removal. Indeed, they oppose any change in their existing practices.
·         —From Pakistan, or the Partition of India

·   Ambedkar was a trained economist with two PhD degrees. As in most other aspects of life, Ambedkar was an uncompromising modernist in economic matters. He believed that the industrialization of India was the best antidote to rural poverty. The first excerpt is from one of his first academic publications as an economist and the second is from the manifesto he drafted for the Independent Labour Party.
·   “In short, strange as it may seem, industrialisation of India is the soundest remedy for the agricultural problems of India. The cumulative effects of industrialisation, namely a lessening pressure (of surplus labour) and an increasing amount of capital and capital goods will forcibly create the economic necessity of enlarging the holding. Not only this, but industrialisation, by destroying the premium on land, will give rise to few occasions for its sub-division and fragmentation. Industrialisation is a natural and powerful remedy…”
·   —From Small Holdings in India and their Remedies, 1918
·   “The party believes that the fragmentation of holdings and the consequent poverty of the agriculturists are mainly due to the pressure of population on the land, and unless the pressure is relieved by draining off the excess population subsisting on land, fragmentation will continue, and the condition of the agriculturists will remain as poverty-stricken as it is today. In the opinion of the party, the principal means of helping the agriculturists and making agriculture more productive consists in the industrialisation of the province. The party will, therefore, endeavour to rehabilitate old industries and promote such new industries as the natural resources of the provinces will permit… The party accepts the principle of state management and state ownership of industry, whenever it may become necessary in the interests of the people.”
—From the programme of the Independent Labour Party, 1936

·   Ambedkar was a political liberal who believed in the values of liberty, equality and fraternity. But he also warned that political democracy would be at risk if the underlying society remains unequal or if Indians did not embrace what he described as constitutional morality.
·   “If we wish to maintain democracy not merely in form, but also in fact, what must we do? The first thing in my judgement we must do is to hold fast to constitutional methods of achieving our social and economic objectives. It means we must abandon the bloody methods of revolution. It means that we must abandon the method of civil disobedience, non-cooperation and satyagraha. When there was no way left for constitutional methods for achieving economic and social objectives, there was a great deal of justification for unconstitutional methods. But where constitutional methods are open, there can be no justification for these unconstitutional methods. These methods are nothing but the Grammar of Anarchy and the sooner they are abandoned, the better for us.”
·   The second thing we must do is to observe the caution which John Stuart Mill has given to all who are interested in the maintenance of democracy, namely, not “to lay their liberties at the feet of even a great man, or to trust him with power which enable him to subvert their institutions”. There is nothing wrong in being grateful to great men who have rendered life-long services to the country. But there are limits to gratefulness. As has been well said by the Irish Patriot Daniel O’Connell, no man can be grateful at the cost of his honour, no woman can be grateful at the cost of her chastity and no nation can be grateful at the cost of its liberty. This caution is far more necessary in the case of India than in the case of any other country. For in India, Bhakti or what may be called the path of devotion or hero-worship, plays a part in its politics unequalled in magnitude by the part it plays in the politics of any other country in the world. Bhakti in religion may be a road to the salvation of the soul. But in politics, Bhakti or hero-worship is a sure road to degradation and to eventual dictatorship.
·   The third thing we must do is not to be content with mere political democracy. We must make our political democracy a social democracy as well. Political democracy cannot last unless there lies at the base of it social democracy. What does social democracy mean? It means a way of life which recognizes liberty, equality and fraternity as the principles of life. These principles of liberty, equality and fraternity are not to be treated as separate items in a trinity. They form a union of trinity in the sense that to divorce one from the other is to defeat the very purpose of democracy. Liberty cannot be divorced from equality, equality cannot be divorced from liberty. Nor can liberty and equality be divorced from fraternity. Without equality, liberty would produce the supremacy of the few over the many. Equality without liberty would kill individual initiative. Without fraternity, liberty would produce the supremacy of the few over the many. Equality without liberty would kill individual initiative. Without fraternity, liberty and equality could not become a natural course of things. It would require a constable to enforce them. We must begin by acknowledging the fact that there is complete absence of two things in Indian Society. One of these is equality. On the social plane, we have in India a society based on the principle of graded inequality in which there are some who have immense wealth as against many who live in abject poverty. On the 26th of January 1950, we are going to enter into a life of contradictions. In politics we will have equality and in social and economic life we will have inequality. In politics we will be recognizing the principle of one man one vote and one vote one value. In our social and economic life, we shall, by reason of our social and economic structure, continue to deny the principle of one man one value. How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions?”
—From a speech in the Constituent Assembly, 1949
·   “I would not be surprised if some of you have grown weary listening to this tiresome tale of the sad effects which caste has produced. There is nothing new in it. I will therefore turn to the constructive side of the problem. What is your ideal society if you do not want caste is a question that is bound to be asked of you? If you ask me, my ideal would be a society based on Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. And why not? What objection can there be to Fraternity? I cannot imagine any. An ideal society should be mobile, should be full of channels for conveying a change taking place in one part to other parts. In an ideal society there should be many interests consciously communicated and shared. There should be varied and free points of contact with other modes of association. In other words there must be social endosmosis. This is fraternity, which is only another name for democracy. Democracy is not merely a form of Government. It is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience. It is essentially an attitude of respect and reverence towards fellow men.”
—From the Annihilation of Caste
·   “My social philosophy may be said to be enshrined in three words: liberty, equality and fraternity. Let no one, however, say that I have borrowed by philosophy from the French Revolution. I have not. My philosophy has roots in religion and not in political science. I have derived them from the teachings of my Master, the Buddha. In his philosophy, liberty and equality had a place; but he added that unlimited liberty destroyed equality, and absolute equality left no room for liberty. In his philosophy, law had a place only as a safeguard against the breaches of liberty or equality; but he did not believe that law can be a guarantee for breaches of liberty or equality. He gave the highest place to fraternity as the only real safeguard against the denial of liberty or equality — fraternity which was another name for brotherhood or humanity, which was again another name for religion.”
   From an address to All India Radio, 1954

·    Ambedkar was an unsparing critic of M.K. Gandhi. He ended a book on whether India should be a federation or a unitary state with an acerbic comparison between what he called the Age of Ranade and the Age of Gandhi. Some of his warnings remain relevant even today.
·   “We are standing today at the point of time where the old age ends and the new begins. The old age was the age of Ranade, Agarkar, Tilak, Gokhale, Wachha, Sir Pherozeshah Mehta, Surendranath Bannerjee. The new age is the age of Mr. Gandhi and this generation is said to be Gandhi generation. As one who knows something of the old age and also something of the new I see some very definite marks of difference between the two. The type of leadership has undergone a profound change. In the age of Ranade the leaders struggled to modernize India. In the age of Gandhi the leaders are making her a living specimen of antiquity. In the age of Ranade leaders depended upon experience as a corrective method to their thoughts and their deeds. The leaders of the present age depend upon their inner voice as their guide. Not only is there a difference in their mental make up there is a difference even in their viewpoint regarding external appearance. The leaders of the old age took care to be well clad while the leaders of the present age take pride in being half clad. The leaders of the Gandhi age are of course aware of these differences. But far from blushing for their views and. their appearance they claim that the India of Gandhi is superior to India of Ranade.
·   They say that the age of Mr. Gandhi is an agitated and an expectant age, which the age of Mr. Ranade was not.
·   Those who have lived both in the age of Ranade and the age of Gandhi will admit that there is this difference between the two. At the same time they will be able to insist that if the India of Ranade was less agitated it was more honest and that if it was less expectant it was more enlightened. The age of Ranade was an age in which men and women did engage themselves seriously in studying and examining the facts of their life, and what is more important is that in the face of the opposition of the orthodox mass they tried to mould their lives and their character in accordance with the light they found as a result of their research. In the age of Ranade there was not the same divorce between a politician and a student which one sees in the Gandhi age. In the age of Ranade a politician, who was not a student, was treated as an intolerable nuisance, if not a danger. In the age of Mr. Gandhi learning, if it is not despised, is certainly not deemed to be a necessary qualification of a politician.
·   To my mind there is no doubt that this Gandhi age is the dark age of India. It is an age in which people instead of looking for their ideals in the future are returning to antiquity. It is an age in which people have ceased to think for themselves and as they have ceased to think they have ceased to read and examine the facts of their lives. The fate of an ignorant democracy which refuses to follow the way shown by learning and experience and chooses to grope in the dark paths of the mystics and the megalomaniacs is a sad thing to contemplate.”

     Whatever I may deduce, Babsaheb a person with golden heart may never ever  in dreams also thought that his successors will use his name and will play with his words to remain in power,will do vote bank politcs and will increase hatred among caste by increasing reservation every year or include more caste to get more votes. Sorry to say, all of the parties who, today are fighting for taking legacy of Babasaheb are in fact busy in justifying their actions of creating division between The Rich (Burjous) & The Poors(Worker) which never ever had been accepted by Ambedkar itself.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


ज़र्फ़ -सहनशीलता/हौसला; फ़ासला- distance; रूह-soul;; अचंभित-atonishing;बर्बरता-cruelty; *टीस-intense pain 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Awareness : Convenience because of Technology….Beware of Frauds

With penetration of technology, generation 21st has become lazy. But everything has two face, one side is brighter optimistic and other has some cons. We can’t ignore con of any technology as a little bit of carelessness in this may lead to bankruptcy.  I am bit inquisitive and I am thankful to one of my friend from service, who shared his experience from field from time to time which given me insight for compiling up this article with some interesting cases for helping laymans like me. Infact, I am writing this article on advise of this gentlemen. If anyone has more to share, please share your experience in comment box (Shall update the case/post from time to time). Most busy moment in a life of a working person is 10am-6pm, when he/she is in office under pressure of delivering. At this time, though you know and are aware of phishing but still chances of getting trapped in high and  Please note that fraudulent caller will target you during these hours only. So  a humble request of not replying any phone call/message in hurry.

1. Mobile Software updating – Now-a-days, a new group is getting active in Mumbai region. A person will call you and will make you believe that he is calling from mobile company/some common software company and will peruse you anyhow for switching off your phone for a hour. You will switch off your phone by thinking whats going to be harmed in mere one hours. In meanwhile, your family will get an exhortation-threat call where they will be told that you are kidnapped and if they will not give them amount in next one hour, the kidnappers will kill you. Your family will try to reach you, but your phone is already switched off and so they will believe on caller. You will transfer/give money to unknown account/person. Generally in working hours, you don’t have time to call and tell your family that you are safe and the time when your family will call you, already money will be out of your grip. The person due to shame, will blame himself of all the foolishness and will not share his experience with others resulting in more people to fall in the honey trap.  The gang was going unnoticed until one day, a guy had switched on his phone and had seen several call from his family/friends. He thought that something must be wrong that more than 100 calls are showing and When he called back he was stunned by hearing that his family is assuring him that nothing will happen to him as they had arranged money and are in bank and in process of depositing entire amount in few minutes. The guy intimated them that he is all right and had stopped them from doing so and thanks to almighty information reached police about a new type of gang getting nurtured.

Suggestion: Mobile software updation doesn’t happen when a person call, you can do it manually when you need and no software from mobile need time of 1 hour for updation.

2. Online banking fraud :  There is nothing best for lazy person than making easy money. These person doesnot even fear the “law of karma” and dupe people from the land of lord shiva. The gang actively operates from Jamtara-Deogarh, Jharkhand. As per police it seems to be household business for this area. A lot of raids has been carried out but again they start working (seems mastermind never had came in hand of police). Our law says 'Let 100 criminals roam free but dont punish one innocent' and it become reality. 100 criminals are roaming free because of loopholes of law. of course, before doing any work, you will first see the ways of escaping from grip of competent authority. 

Everyone knows that they should never ever share user id and password but here the gang operate a step ahead. The gang will call in a very short span of time when ‘YOU’ had made Request for new debit/credit card and you are expecting the verification call. Generally when you block your old card, you tend to make request for new card in same call and here most of the time, the call is being transferred for request for new call, generally it take 5-10 minute time gap. The person will ask you old card number, validity and then somehow will block your net banking. Again the person will call you and will say that the BANK has blocked your net banking to stop any fraud transaction and here the real game starts when he will ask you to confirm your account number and old password, questions from security and date of birth. And mind it, if you are busy in other official work, you are surely gonna make mistake here, where in hurry you may not be able to search on google regarding TPIN/MPIN and will tell him so that this headache end and you get some time to do work which is source of your bread and butter. Now, game over, the person will start making IMPS. The person may call you to tell that Bank will provide new user id and is transferring your account to your new account. In evening when you will get time and you will talk to bank to clarify regarding the same about their new process, you get to know that the actual fraud had happened and via IMPS (max limit of 50k upto 1 lakh in a day from saving accounts) you have been duped twice a day. The half educated people at customer care will advice to block your net banking and now, if you are a person who use windows phone and don’t have idea about mobile application you are gone. As next day, if you still have saving there, the frauders will start making IMPS. You will call to bank and ask them to terminate the IMPS and question them how this is happening when net banking has been deactivated last night and you will start hearing technical answer that you have said net banking and not mobile banking and now you will feel to bang the head of yours as well as customer care executive. I don’t know but feel that at some level they are linked to bank.
Now, what, if you are an aware citizen of india, you will go to police, register FIR and then will submit application to concerned branch with a copy of FIR. The bank will cooperate with police once or twice and will go busy with their own life. The police will see that bank is not responding and they already have lot of thing to tackle, they will get busy. Who will suffer? No one,but the person whose savings has been duped.

Keep a separate mobile(prefer basic set) and email id for banking purpose, keep changing the pin code on regular interval, and NEVER EVER use this email id and phone as much private as you can. Private means no sharing of the number on e-commerce platform. Now most of phone is dual sim so this will not be a tough job.
Don’t even share your account balance with anyone and never try to know account balance of your nearby person. This may create suspicion on you also.
Note: It should also be noted that now a days company use to outsource call and though most of calls are made via computer/online but you will see a mobile number flashing. I personally, have experienced that several call from mobile company customer care come on phone which I am using a post paid connection to convert my sim to post paid. When I asked that why don’t you check before calling to a person that his number is of which company, the executive apologies by saying that they its done online so they cant help. I suspect that the group basically use stolen pre-paid sim card. As now-a days, taking sim card is easy and to sell the sim cards. For verification of pre paid sim card no one is gonna visit the residence. Making a duplicate aadhar card/voter’s id card is not a big deal. I shall not go into more technical details of how duplicity works in India.

3Credit Card/Debit Card Cloning-  We don’t carry hard cash and prefer to swap our card and do online shopping by filling details of credit/debit card. Most of time, mirror images of the sites are created by hackers. The gang most active here operates from Punjab area, but operates in entire India. You will be sitting in your home state and will get shock with message of debit from your account. You will go to bank and bank will say, your card has been used. It’s a forgery case and we cant do anything. You go to police and then you will see that some masked people have made transaction on your behalf. Most of the time, police will call you so many time for investigation that if you are a girl you will not complain and if you’re a male, you will withdraw complain. The gang actively operate in this operate from Punjab. 

Suggestion: Directly go to site, don’t go through Google, google is not trustworthy.  If you are swapping your card in some mall/shop do it infront of you and keep eye that the details what you are filling should not be captured in any camera/third eye.

4.  Sim Cloning- Major center- still to be found:  if you will google, you will find few hacker’s blogsite depicting method of sim cloning. Though as on date, I am writing this article, the gang is targeting big fries of metros but greedy people who have lust for easy money may take no time in targeting middle class.
In layman language on this type of fraudulent practice, you will go to some place and will think that you are not receiving mobile signals and will not worry about this. But after 12-18 hours when you return back to your place, you get message that a good chuck of your balance has been taken by some frauds. The tool used for forensic purpose is now easily available as free and there is no restriction from our government cyber wing to stop these type of download. Your network will vanish and entire call and message will be diverted to cloned number, again your account balance will be at loss and bank will say a simple line “Phishing is common, you should be careful”

Suggestion:  Don’t call back on missed calls, especially to numbers which are not of your country. The number used for banking should be private and should never ever be share with anyone. If your outgoing/incoming call are hanging often, your friends complain regarding your phone remains busy though you are not doing call, you should get bit careful

 5. Email/calls  from renowned companies/banks :   You will open your mail box and get a mail that you have won lottery ‘click here’/share your account details. You will also get call in name of various prestigious institutes.  Please not think you are the luckiest person and anyone is willing to give your easy money. No need of opening the mail/entertaining this phone call.Sometime the caller will even abuse you, just cut the phone and in case of mail mark it spam. Your hard earned money will be lashed if you will become greedy of this.

Generally it is quoted that "इंसान उम्र से नहीं ठोकर खाने से समझदार बनता है " but few people may learn from experience of other. If you have undergone any type of fraud, please share your experience without shame. Its obvious to make mistake, but its wise to share and learn from mistake.