Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Through my journey of  life I came across a lot of people, maximum of them were not happy with the ongoing life and very few accept that they are there because they have not come out of their comfort zone to get what they have dreamt.

I would like to give a rational view on what one lady quoted me: ‘तेरा तो सही है यार , मेरी न किस्मत ही साथ नहीं देती है
My reply: Sis, don’t blame luck for anything. We are living in a coccon. Life provides opportunity to everyone, at each and every step we take some decision which further helps us to groom ourself. If you don’t have guts to take decision, to break the coccon then it’s not god who is not helping you….it’s not luck.it’s you who don’t want to come out of your misery. Even if you will have a platter full of delicious food you have to take pain to eat this….if you can’t eat the food from the plate….it’s not god or luck…it’s you who who is afraid of hard work.

One more of my friend quoted: "yaar, i wanted to do something, something big but business is not my cup of tea."

I replied him: Of course dear, business can't be cup of tea for everyone, as if everyone will achieve financial freedom and then who will take Personal Loan, Home Loan and Car Loan and how banks will survive..Loans and EMIs should also be cup of tea for people...isn't ?

Here i was unable to understand that do people really think that God someday will come to them and will end their miseries in one day? specially at time when your mind is still of 6 month old baby where you wanted to be spoon feeded or like a bonded labour who want to work for a corporate office for 16-18 hour for fixed salary? 

I quoted these conversation purposely.Tell me what is luck and how do you think that luck favored you or not? As far I know? Luck favors those who are brave, who dare to take decision , who can fight for their life. To make it more clear, let me give you people a simple example: Suppose, If you are only following astrological remedies and not doing relevant action from your end do you think that god will come and do necessary action to change your destiny. God has become too old, please take some responsibility for yourself and don’t blame god for anything.

 What i can understand in my journey is the fact that everyone want to grow, to become big, to fulfill all dreams to their loved one but the lack few thing in their personality what pulls them back. I would like to write on few thing what differentiate between successful from crowd:

1. Make your weakness your Strength: I have read this several time, from school day till date I am penning it down but I accepted this fact in real when I saw a Ted Talk Islamabad sent by my business partner. The video was of a lady who met with a serious accident with more than 100 fractures all over her body and after the accident the beautiful lady has to take help of a wheel chair to carry her. Her attitude was so positive and the way in which she spent was quite impressing. I have shared this video on my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10203866375688063&pnref=story 

2. Belief system:  We, the common people have a problem. We show unshakable faith on almighty, by that faith and belief we worship stones and even get results...but why not the same kind of faith in our-self...our own action..our own words?
No doubt God is everywhere, but dear friend accept it that god is first in you and have faith in yourself. Its hard to practice the kind of faith and belief you have on THY on Yourself and it really requires a damn hard practice with right persons what you can never ever find easily but once you mastered this take my words…Your life is shorted.

We are living in 21st century and here it has been scientifically proved that our words, our thought process are so much powerful that they can change your life. if YOU by YOUR Though has made yourself a poor calf then how can you expect to help you in becoming the Lion- King of Jungle?
Train your mind, don’t every CRIB and make your weakness your strength. It’s tough in starting but with rigorous practice in right direction in  2-3 month you will achieve that mental level.

3. Sense of urgency:  Tell me friends; “Do you know that tomorrow you are gonna see the SUN again? If yes, how much % you are sure for this?”
I understood this sense of urgency in real sense when I was talking to one of my business partner. She met one of her relative/family friend and they were planning of doing something very big. After  long enthusiastic discussion they departed early morning (3am approx) and were about to catch up at 11 am next day to start with a bang. At 10 am my business partner got a call from her husband who asked her to head towards home of that relative and tell her that she is no more. I was shocked to hear this and that was the day I personally decided that Man!! I am not gonna waste a single second of mine until and unless I will not achieve my dreams and I really express my sincere gratitude for almighty to gift me each and every second and to give me a beautiful and purposeful life.

4. The Right Mindset: I work for more than 18 hours a day. I know that by working like and average person i.e 8-10 hours in office will not give me a life what I dream when I was a kid. Some people talk of balanced life…I was also of same view till date I was sitting in Dubai with my snr. Business partner and he quoted “Look, there can be a successful life or a balanced life. Choose what you want” and that was time I felt myself completely shorted. Working for 8 hours only and then spending rest of time in watching idiot box….n doing non-constructive work is not my cup of tea and I seriously don’t take that part to be counted for balanced life.
 I work with people having same kind of passion and ignition within them. I don’t care what their education is, but if I find someone with same energy I know I can train them and can work with them. I will here share one story from my own life. Often I get to hear this line from my friends of real life – “Your energy level is too high…I am unable to match it”
I appreciate the fellow as he accepted the fact but somewhere inside i was thinking that is my fault or yours? I choose to come out of my coccon. I choose to stop crying on situations. I chose to stop giving excuse and I choose to convert every situation into opportunity and to make profit from the same and when I have reached to a level when I am capable enough to fulfill dreams of my family and loved one of course my energy will be at top. I damn not like person who are just EXISTING on earth. I work with person with mindset as mine…and I am here to break barriers...and if YOU too want to do something in your life follow the Right Path. 

and this is the Fire of Passion...Desire and Dream...

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Women's day - 8th March

I am a women and I am proud to be one..i know except on women's day , hardly any one bothers about me..People do workship goddess but if a crime happens I am one who get blamed. if promotion has to be given, i am who faces the Glass sealing effect. The patriarchial society looks me as a object and then they link their prestige with what i am doing, what i am wearing and the time when i am returning to home and why i alwaz remains happy. 
If i write an article on controversial topic like rights of LGBT, flesh trade my family also start linking their prestige with the article but can anyone let me know that till when this will continue? I am living in 21st century and successful in my life, I like spending time with nature, enjoy bird tripping, nature escaping, travelling to unexplored places, spending leisure time with family and friends and honestly dont like anyone putting restriction on me.I want to be loved but with personal trust and personal space. Society is not gonna pay any of my bill so i stopped caring damn about the same. I like talking...i love discussions on topics of vide range but will never allow a person to take me granted for the same. I am not an object, I am The Power, The Shakti, I dont expect to become par with male because i am already above them..i am from the species who nutured a life of male for nine month...I am Women..
On women's day, if society pledges to build Value and Ethics and if stop linking their "Izzat" with my dress and freedom then only i wil feel that I am living in a free country...In a real developing country..

I am grateful to my school buddy Sweta to make me write something from heart on this issue. Thanx buddy.